Germany is preparing to regulate gas by increasing the readiness of the energy sector

Germany is preparing to regulate gas by increasing the readiness

According to German Economy Minister Robert Habeck, the reduction in gas supplies is a Russian economic attack on Germany.

15:00 • Updated 3:08 PM

Germany announced today that it will increase the state of preparedness in the energy sector to ensure gas adequacy in the country. German Minister for Economic Affairs and Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck At a press conference, Germany announced that the amount of natural gas available in Germany was now scarce. According to the news agency Reuters, among others.

Habeck announced that Germany was moving to a second alert level in its gas security plan, indicating a significant deterioration in gas supplies.

There are a total of three alarm levels. Germany had been at the first alert level since late March.

At the second alert level, Germany does not yet regulate gas supplies to households and businesses. In practice, the new alert level will increase the country’s readiness to move to the third level, which would ensure the operation of the most socially critical services by regulating gas.

The reason for the increase in the alert level is the significant decrease in gas coming from Russia, when the Russian energy giant Gazprom reduced the amount of gas transported to Germany via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline to about 40 percent of the previous level.

According to Gazprom, the reduction is due to gas pipeline repairs. However, the increase in the alert level suggests that Germany expects a permanent reduction in gas supplies.

Gazprom has recently suspended gas supplies to many European countries, including Finland.

Will Russia put pressure on gas supplies next winter?

According to Economy Minister Habeck, the Germans do not have to worry about the availability of gas right now, but the country will be able to control the situation.

However, Germany is already worried about the coming winter. In the winter, Germany has remained warm with much Russian gas, and Russia fears it could cut off gas supplies altogether to put political pressure on Germany.

Germany aims to fill its gas reserves to over 90 percent before winter, but is currently just over half full.

According to Habeck, Germany may not be able to fill its stocks during the summer and autumn if Russia’s gas supplies remain at current levels.

Habeck appealed to the Germans to reduce gas consumption on their own initiative in the current situation.

– Interruption of gas supplies is Vladimir Putin an economic attack on us. His strategy is clearly to create insecurity, raise prices and divide our society, Habeck said.

You can discuss the topic until 6 pm on June 24th.
