German MEP drops controversial appointment to European Commission

German MEP drops controversial appointment to European Commission

The European Commission had appointed German MEP Markus Pieper for a mission dedicated to the continent’s SMEs. But he decided to withdraw his candidacy when everything was already formalized. His appointment provoked an outcry in the European Parliament and a revolt within the Commission itself.

2 mins

With our correspondent in Brussels, Pierre Benazet

The affair is embarrassing for the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, because it was she who validated the appointment of Markus Pieper. “ The procedure had evolved in a way that was not calm in recent weeks », Says the Commission spokesperson. “ We will relaunch the applications when the new Commission is appointed » after the European elections.

For the European Commission, the German MEP’s renunciation is a disavowal, because the Commission had persisted in presenting as perfectly legitimate the appointment of Markus Pieper to the post of special emissary for SMEs.

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It is also a relief, because this appointment had placed the Commission and its president under a barrage of criticism. Ursula von der Leyen was accused of having favored a candidate belonging to the same party as her, the Christian Democrats of the CDU. And to have favored him to attract the good graces of his political family, the conservatives of the European People’s Party (EPP).

Not only did the European Parliament pass a resolution in plenary session to review the selection process but also, within the European Commission itself, a letter was sent directly to Ursula von der Leyen demanding explanations. And this letter was signed by four commissioners, including two heavyweights, Thierry Breton, responsible for the internal market, and Josep Borrell, the head of European diplomacy.

Ursula von der Leyen decided to wear candidate for her own succession at the head of the European Commission and this episode is a new indicator of the obstacle course that she will have to overcome between now and the European vote.

Read alsoEU: the European right nominates Ursula von der Leyen as head of the European list
