Game of Thrones Jon Snow sequel is coming

Game of Thrones Jon Snow sequel is coming

According to the news, the HBO channel Game of Thrones is preparing to sign a new side story with the Jon Snow series.

Adapted from George RR Martin’s book, A Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones became one of the projects that left its mark on TV history despite its controversial and bad ending after its great seasons. In August, we will go far before the events with the House of the Dragon series. It looks like the adventures with HBO Westeros intend to continue. Because, according to the news, the button was pressed for a series focused on Game of Thrones Jon Snow.

Preparations for Game of Thrones Jon Snow series have begun

According to the news of The Hollywood Reporter, the HBO channel is preparing to sign a series project focusing on the story of Jon Snow after Game of Thrones. It is not yet clear whether other characters will take part in the series, in which Kit Harington, who shines with this role, will once again take the lead role. Maybe we can come across a story that we will hear often, along with a few surprise characters.

In the Game of Thrones finale, Jon Snow was exiled from Westeros and set off with the Wildlings to join the Night’s Watch. It is expected that the story will tell from here onwards.

Frankly, I don’t find it very meaningful that the production team, who rushed to finish the Game of Thrones series quickly and made many mistakes, extended the story in this way. Although it is interesting to watch previous events such as House of the Dragon, it is not very interesting to me to watch the effects of a finale that leaves the books that are not yet completed. What are you thinking?
