Frightening picture in veal tuberculosis! Both in the world and in Turkey: Great harm to people

Frightening picture in veal tuberculosis Both in the world and

Turkey has been fighting tuberculosis, also known as tuberculosis, for nearly 80 years. Although there has been a decrease in tuberculosis cases, which cause damage to the lungs, in recent years, a new danger is at the door. Due to the serious acceleration of meat traffic in the globalizing world, the infection in animals and the disruptions in quarantine practices, there has been an increase in especially veal and cow type tuberculosis. Although tuberculosis, which is defined as tuberculosis in the society, is generally known as a disease that affects the lungs, tuberculosis that occurs in animals is also transmitted to humans by consuming meat and dairy products.


Stating that there has been an increase in the disease, which is expressed as calf-type tuberculosis, in recent years, Infectious Diseases Specialist Prof. Dr. Serhan Sakarya pointed out that the disease, which manifests itself with symptoms such as persistent fatigue, weakness and joint pain, can be fatal if medical intervention is not applied. Stating that the bacterium that causes tuberculosis can affect the kidney, liver, brain, bone and even bone marrow in the person infected by digestion, Prof. Dr. Sakarya said, “The treatment takes much longer than pulmonary tuberculosis, and if left untreated, it can cause organ loss and even death.”



Stating that in this disease, which is expressed as calf-type tuberculosis, the transmission of tuberculosis to humans occurs during the consumption of meat and dairy products, Infectious Diseases Specialist Prof. Dr. Serhan Sakarya said, “Since the transmission from animal to human is not through the lungs, but through the digestive system, the symptoms in the person do not have symptoms similar to the symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis. Therefore, tuberculosis is not suspected. Unfortunately, it can be noticed after it has spread to the body too much. According to the environment, it can be transmitted from person to person,” he said.



Experts state that the symptoms of calf tuberculosis can be evaluated within the challenging conditions of social life and can even be perceived psychologically, and therefore it can be difficult to detect.


If there is chronic fatigue, weakness, night sweats, kidney and joint pain and it does not go away, it is a great benefit to check whether there is an infection in the body. Bacteria, which infect people through the digestive system, can reach the intestines, kidneys, bones, liver and bone marrow and even the brain. Mycobacterium, the tuberculosis bacterium, has the ability to live wherever it goes. It causes a lesion in the organ to which it is attached, causing that area to lose its function. If it settles on the bone, it can be fixed by stripping that bone and placing a platinum. In other words, it can cause organ loss and even death.


Stating that animals should be screened for tuberculosis while slaughtering, Prof. Dr. Serhan Sakarya, “Milk needs to be pasteurized very well because this bacteria is not something that dies very easily. For example, if meat is consumed, undercooked meat can be a problem. These foods need to be cooked well. Although the symptoms of the disease are often considered psychological, if the complaints do not go away, advanced techniques should be used. A definitive diagnosis can be made with the Quantiferon test, which the physician requests based on the symptoms. After detecting the presence of bacteria with this technique, it is necessary to find where it is involved in the body and to perform the treatment.
