François-Xavier Bellamy and his program to bring LR into existence between the majority and the RN

Francois Xavier Bellamy and his program to bring LR into existence

Polled at between 6 and 8% of the votes, the Republican party unveiled its program for the European elections this Tuesday, May 14. In six chapters and around thirty pages, the objective is clear: to bring the party into existence, between the presidential majority and the National Rally.

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Defending an authentic right means first of all returning to its cardinal value: freedom. “ That Europe is threatened, that is a certainty but it will not survive if we export to Brussels what we know how to do worst: loans and taxes », declares the head of the list François-Xavier Bellamy.

To the new common loans proposed by President Macron, François-Xavier Bellamy opposes a 25% reduction in the European civil service. He wants less spending and fewer standards to give breathing space to entrepreneurs and in particular farmers.

The candidate also wants to make Europe more efficient, such as on immigration. “ We do not want to manage Europe’s impotence, we want to put an end to this impotence, which means protecting our borders and expelling whenever necessary. », adds Bellamy.

The head of the Republican list wants to engage in a standoff with the countries of origin and transit of migrants to facilitate returns and create asylum application centers at Europe’s external borders.

Advocating firmness

François-Xavier Bellamy also advocates firmness and says he is more credible than the National Rally of which he refers to the results after two won elections. Apart from denying itself on all subjects, I do not see what the RN has for the last five years », he added.

François-Xavier Bellamy promises the return of freedom and authority. He says he has another advantage over his two designated rivals: being in the EPP, the first group in the Strasbourg Parliament.

But if he wants to sit there again, he will have to collect 5% of votes in the elections. And this is not certain at the moment.

Also listenEuropean elections under the sign of urgency
