France sells arms to kyiv

While Macron asks Putin to “continue the evacuation” of the Azovstal steel plant and pleads for a cease-fire, the French military-industrial complex sells arms to kyiv!

The Russian army launched this Tuesday, May 3, 2022 a violent offensive on the steel complex of Azovstal, the last pocket of resistance of Ukrainian forces in Mariupol. Bombing is also continuing in several cities. To counter the Russian forces, the West has decided to give kyiv “the means to defend itself”, as Joe Biden reminded us by asking Congress for an additional 30 billion dollars. European countries are not left out: the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany and others are sending tanks, armor, missiles and ammunition to Zelensky.
France is also involved in sending arms and equipment to Ukraine.

For paramilitary units

According to a @GalliaDaily source, several large French arms companies “have begun negotiations with the Ukrainian government for the supply of arms. Numerous meetings have taken place in Paris and Brussels under the aegis of GICAT and with the blessing of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
GalliaDaily understands that a series of contracts have been signed for a total amount of €700 million.
But “certain contracts” have been established “with two symbolic companies of the French BITD”.
To supply arms directly to Ukrainian paramilitary units without going through the kyiv government. These weapons could be long-range rifles.
During their conversation on Tuesday, Macron and Putin discussed the subject of weapons delivered to kyiv. The master of the Kremlin said, “The West could help stop these atrocities by exerting appropriate influence on the authorities in kyiv, as well as by stopping the supply of weapons to Ukraine.”
But do Westerners have an interest in stopping the war that enables such juicy business?

Ukraine: War is also a business
