France, a destination of choice for foreign students according to a Campus France study

France a destination of choice for foreign students according to

There are more than 412,000 foreign students coming to do their higher education and diplomas in France, which represents an increase of 3% over the 2022/2023 academic year according to Campus France. France remains a destination of choice for students from all over the world.

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According to a recent study by Campus France, foreign students who come to study in France mainly arrive from Morocco, Algeria, China, Italy and Senegal. “ The figure to remember is that we have 412,000 foreign students in France. This is an increase of 3% compared to last year and 17% over five years. It is therefore an increase which allows us, we hope, to achieve the objective of welcoming 500,000 foreign students in 2027, in accordance with the “Welcome to France” strategy. », explains Guillaume Tétard, research manager at Campus France.

Throughout the world, France has a certain notoriety and therefore it also benefits from this image, believes Campus France. It is the first reception area with North Africa and Europe, so there are many sub-Saharan students. “ The Senegalese constitute the leading nationality of sub-Saharan African students and the fifth overall. And then, then, we have the Ivorians, the Cameroonians and even the Congolese. »

Campus France welcomes many students from sub-Saharan Africa: “ 95,285 students from sub-Saharan Africa », specifies Guillaume Tétard.

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French students target neighboring or French-speaking countries

The study also recalls that in 2021, more than 105,000 French students went on degree mobility abroad. A figure that has increased by 16% since 2016. Their destinations are above all neighboring or French-speaking countries such as Belgium, the United Kingdom, Canada, Switzerland, and even Spain.

At the global level, the latest comparative data available is for 2021, a year when the number of mobile students stagnated due to the pandemic. The various national reports available show that mobility has started to increase again and that mobile students have returned in greater numbers to the main host countries.

But the recently announced changes in public policies and the announcement of measures aimed at limiting the number of mobile students in certain large host countries – Canada, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands – could slow down the growth of mobility. female students point to the study.

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