Forget what you know: Do dates make you gain weight? What are the benefits of dates?

Forget what you know Do dates make you gain weight

Dates should not be consumed excessively because of their high sugar and calorie content during the weight loss process, but 2-3 pieces can be taken as it will support weight loss with its fiber content. Due to the potassium and phosphorus content of dates, it is inconvenient for patients undergoing hemodialysis. Specialist Dietitian Şebnem Kandıralı Yıldırım gave information on the subject.


1-With its soluble and insoluble fiber content, it improves intestinal health and promotes regular bowel movements. It is effective in combating constipation. Soak it in water the night before, soften it, and eat it with water in the morning.

2-It is an excellent energy booster as it contains natural sugars such as glucose, sucrose and fructose. No matter how tired you are, it can increase your energy within 30 minutes of eating. It is both delicious and healthy.

3- It is rich in potassium and low in sodium, it is necessary for the continuity of healthy nervous system functions, it helps to reduce blood pressure with its magnesium content and helps the proper functioning of heart functions.

4-It can be useful in the treatment of anemia with its high iron content. It slows down the formation of tooth decay with its fluorine content.

5-Because of its high calorie and sugar content, it supports weight gain and is beneficial for those with weakness problems.

With its 7-vitamin A content, it strengthens the eye nerves and helps prevent night blindness.

8- Date strengthens the liver with vitamins B1 and B2, prevents fatty liver and facilitates the elimination of toxic substances from the body.

9- Dates help balance the skeleton formation and bone structure of the body with its calcium and phosphate content.

10- Since it is easily digested and high in sugar, it instantly recovers low blood sugar. It suppresses the feeling of hunger and prevents you from overeating.

11- It is known that it relieves depression, reduces stress and tension, thanks to vitamin B6 and magnesium mineral, which is essential for muscle work, in women during breastfeeding.

12- Studies show that dates strengthen the uterine muscles in the last months of pregnancy, thanks to the oxytocin substance it contains. In this way, it helps the uterus to expand at the time of the baby’s arrival and prevents postpartum bleeding.
