Forensic science: the real methods of investigation

Forensic science the real methods of investigation

On a crime scene, the forensic science collects clues, whose cross-analyzes will elucidate the murder. Does everything turn out exactly like on television? To find out, discover our file on forensic tools.

American detective series are legion on television … as well as the inconsistencies they present! While a few hours are sometimes enough for them to identify the criminals, investigations generally take much longer in real life.

Criminal investigations and investigative methods

Unlike television series where only a few people are able to do everything (samples, analyzes, prosecution of criminals …), many profiles with distinct and complementary specialties intervene one after the other to scientifically reveal all the elements. that will confuse the culprit.

Crime scenes are full of valuable clues.  © Frhuynh, Stockvault

Find in this file all the tools available to the forensic science to elucidate criminal investigations. Find out how the clues are taken at a crime scene, how can one determine the moment of crime, the course of the murder and the causes of death, and above all, how can we identify the criminal!

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