For skiing star Heidi Weng, the success of the early season has been like a dream – she revealed to EPN that last spring’s blow to the head still affects

For skiing star Heidi Weng the success of the early

Heidi Weng opened the World Cup season in sixth place in Ruka. That, too, was much more than he had dared to hope for. In Lillehammer, he was third in 10 kilometers.

Anu Karttunen,

Laura Arffman

by Heidi Weng has been expected to emerge as the leader of Norwegian women’s skiing now that Therese Johaug is gone, but the 31-year-old Konkar has had enough adversity. He missed the Beijing Olympics due to corona infection, but he suffered an even worse setback last March.

At that time, Weng slipped on the ice, hit his head and suffered a concussion. Due to the accident, he had to miss the Norwegian championships held at the end of the month, but the pain has lasted much longer than he expected.

– This year has been very difficult for me. First I had corona and I didn’t train much. Then I fell on the ice and I had pain in my head, Weng told Urheilu after the race weekend in Beitostölen.

– I haven’t been able to train much this season either, because I’ve still had a lot of headaches.

Below is Heidi Weng’s Instagram post from March 2022 when she told about her accident.

Weng has told the Norwegian media that the concussion and headache have affected him psychologically. Weng has been very antisocial, because being around people has demanded too much of him. From time to time, he felt like his head was going to explode.

Weng has received a lot of help from a psychologist, but also a men’s national team skier From Didrik Tönseth and a cyclist From Tobias Foss. Both have suffered concussions during their careers.

He has also absorbed a positive way of thinking from a Norwegian biathlete From Karoline Knottenwho miraculously survived from an accident in the mountains of Italy (you switch to another service). Knotten lost his balance and rolled 200 meters down the road.

Weng has said that he took an example from Knotten and how to turn negative thoughts into positive ones. He also thanked for the numerous messages he has received from his fatemates.

Next is rest and training

Weng opened the World Cup season in sixth place in Ruka. It was much more than he had hoped for, and the Norwegian did not spare the happy tears after the race. He admitted that he didn’t think he could do that kind of performance so quickly and told the Norwegian media that sixth place was like a victory for him.

In Lillehammer, Weng was able to do even better, as he finished third in the 10 km freestyle race. In Beitostölen, he reached 15th place in the 10 km traditional race.

– I try to do my best and the beginning of the season has been like a dream for me. This weekend I wasn’t as good, but I have to think that I haven’t trained as much as the others and they have done such a good job.

Next, Weng intends to focus on both resting and training, so that he will be in action at the World Championships in Planica at the latest.

– I know that when I have a good day, I can be as fast as others. But I also know that I can have a lot of ups and downs.

Heidi Weng has experienced hard times over the years. Among other things, just over four years ago, he injured his calf and ankle after falling on roller skis. The following winter, he crashed at the Tour de Ski in the Val Müstair sprint and injured his thumb.
