For Pierre-Olivier Bannwarth, “tales are made to forge a relationship with one’s environment”

“Stories, even tales, are made to weave a relationship with the environment around us. From the moment I know the story of the tree, the plant, the flower, the insect and I give it meaning in my daily life, I invest it with a spirit. So I can’t treat it as an object that I can take, that I can steal for my personal satisfaction. »

“Tales of the Elders of Amazonia” by Pierre-Olivier Bannwarth is published by Editions du Seuil

In his “Tales of the Sages of Amazonia”, Pierre-Olivier Bannwarth makes us see visible and invisible worlds in which humans and non-humans perceive each other. A story that turns out to be wonderful, tinged with humor or cruelty, just like the setting of these stories, the jungle. The guardians of the forest, heroes of these extraordinary fables, invite us to discover: a mode of perception to be preserved, to be constantly renewed, between earth and sky.

Guest :

This week in Flea in the ear , Lucie Bouteloup “pull the devil by the tail”. A much less pleasing expression than it seems… Explanations with Catherine Moryauthor of the book to the delight of French expressions published by Larousse.
