Florida tightens abortion laws – ban after week six

Florida has passed a law that bans most abortions after the sixth week of pregnancy, reports The New York Times. Many women then do not know that they are pregnant because pregnancies are counted from a couple of weeks before conception. The bill passed 70-40 in the state House of Representatives and will now be sent to Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has previously said he favors the ban, for his signature. In April of last year, the abortion limit in Florida was lowered from 24 to 15 weeks of pregnancy. There are exceptions The new bill allows for some exceptions, including if the woman’s life is in danger. Abortion in pregnancies after rape or incest will continue to be permitted up to the 15th week of pregnancy, provided a woman has documentation such as a restraining order or a police report. The ban in Florida is among the most restrictive in the country, writes The New York Times.
