Fisco, Castelli: “Forward on new installments and tax credit identification codes”

Fisco Castelli Forward on new installments and tax credit identification

(Finance) – “The core business of the 2022 Budget is certainly the launch of a profound reform of the tax system through a process that aims to
overall reduction of the tax burden starting from the revision of the Irpef brackets and the abolition of IRAP “. These are the words of Laura
Castelli, Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance, during webinar “Budget Law 2022” organized by‘Order of Accountants and Accounting Experts of Naples in collaboration with the Orders of Avellino, Benevento, Caserta, Salerno, Nola, Syracuse, Udine, Vallo della Lucania and with theNational Union of Young Accountants and Accounting Experts.

“A path that, I would dare to say, is now irreversible and must be based on an ever greater digitization of processes. A cultural change is necessary – he added. Castles – because every time the legislator intervenes with a reform he must make sure that the
itself is accompanied by adequate resources in terms of human and economic resources, so that it is successful. Unfortunately, it almost never happens and the problems often arise from here. The most immediate objectives on which we are working are those relating to the identification codes for the sale of the tax credit for building bonuses, to the improvement of the collection system, especially by local authorities and to the extension of installments for businesses and families. All themes – remarked the deputy minister of the Mef – that the accountants have already brought to our attention and together we will try to complete “.

“If we want to transform the provisions of the Budget Law into concrete actions and restart the country’s economy, the contribution of the 118 thousand Italian accountants – he underlined Vincenzo Moretta, president of the Odcec of Naples – is critical. So far it has been little understood and used, I hope that it will be recovered in the course of construction. Also because the restart is again penalized by external factors such as the increase in energy costs and the political crises on our doorstep. And in terms of the relationship between tax authorities, professions and taxpayers, there is still a lot to do. I remind everyone that we are an essential guardian of legality and partners of the territorial agencies and we were among the first to innovate on the telematic level. But to move forward we need more consultation and we will continue to do our part “.

“We need to make life easier for taxpayers and consequently also for accountants to apply the rules effectively and concretely – he said. Matteo De Lise, president of the National Union of Young Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts -. We begin to wonder why this does not happen. Because the legislator has not confronted the professionals in the drafting and application of the rules. Let’s think of the superbonus, for example. Not to mention the tax delegation law and the implementation of the Pnrr. How do you recover revenue
without consulting the accountants? We are ready for dialogue, we hope to be heard “.

“The budget law represents a gradual return to normality – he underlined Eraldo Turi, councilor of Odcec Naples -. There are still emergency rules to give the economy a breather but we are finally seeing a turnaround. We now expect a lot from tax delegation in terms of reducing the tax burden and rationalizing and simplifying the tax system as well as reducing tax evasion. We need to focus on growth and these are indispensable measures. Only in this way is it possible to reduce the 2700 billion of public debt “.

“The budget law 2022 – he declared Giancarlo Trotta, Division General and Campania Regional Commander of the Guardia di Finanza – is strongly influenced by the pandemic state. It is a law that aims to respond to the need to reduce the tax burden, support companies in difficulty and families, relaunching public and private investments. We will be protagonists with our prevention, and then repressive activities, against all illegal phenomena linked to the use of the assignment of credits and the use of tax breaks. In this, the collaboration of professionals is essential “.

The voice ofRevenue Agency was represented by Michele Garrubba, regional director of Campania. “Today’s meeting consolidates the fruitful collaboration with professionals. I confirm – affirmed Garrubba – the commitment of the Campana Management to promote discussions with professionals and intermediaries that have so far been very satisfactory. The pandemic emergency has made it clear the need for a taxman increasingly telematic with the systematic use of new technologies, on this point it is necessary
proceed together to make the relationship between tax authorities and taxpayers ever better “.

“The common goal – he added Antonio Scognamiglio, General Manager South Italy Revenue Collection Agency – is to allow taxpayers to be able to fulfill their duties in the right time and manner. We come from two years of pandemic in which we have changed personal and work habits. The acceleration of the digitalization process of the PA will have to be capitalized to translate it into an increase in services to citizens. To facilitate the relationship between Ader and taxpayers, I invite everyone to access Equipro the area for intermediaries that can offer many answers by removing the need to go to the offices “.

“The objectives envisaged are not, like the NRP, easy to achieve. Above all – he said Francesca Giglio, president of the Direct and Indirect Taxes Commission – if we continue with this deficit ratio between debt and GDP, with the surge in inflation and with the increase in energy and raw material costs. Precisely for this juncture it is necessary to aim for that fiscal justice and equity that are still in hiding, especially if we think that 50% of average and
Bassi uses only 25% of the total resources. A figure that must be revised “.

“The financial maneuver 2022 substantially contains extensions and repropositions of existing regulations. In particular – he highlighted Alberto Maria Camillotti, president of Odcec Udine – in the construction bonus sector, the extension of minor bonuses was positive because they give a time horizon that allows for planning. With regard to the tightening of controls, it has certainly caused a paralysis of the mechanism but it offers our category a unique opportunity to prove itself a reliable category in guaranteeing public administration. We must be able together with other professional categories to demonstrate how much we can be useful to
Country, without asking for exclusives but taking the opportunities that the market knows how to recognize us. However – concluded Camillotti – a rationalization of the rules on building bonuses is desirable to allow a serene comparison with the business world and with other professional categories “.
