What is an international arrest warrant? L’Express explains everything to you – L’Express

the ICC alert a signal in the face of the

This week, Clément Daniez, journalist for the World department of L’Express, explains to us what international arrest warrants are, like those requested by the ICC prosecutor against Benyamin Netanyahu and Hamas officials.

READ ALSO: War in Gaza: the ICC alert, a signal to the anger consuming Israel


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The team: Mathias Penguilly (presentation), Charlotte Baris (writing), and Jules Krot (editing and direction).

Credits: RFI, France 24, France 5, France Inter, France Culture, TF1

Music and dressing: Emmanuel Herschon / Studio Torrent

Image credits: Dimitar DILKOFF / AFP

Logo: Anne-Laure Chapelain / Benjamin Chazal

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Mathias Penguilly : The international arrest warrant. This is the threat that weighs on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and Hamas officials. So to understand its motives, I called on Clément Daniez, journalist in the World department of L’Express. Clément, we should not confuse an international arrest warrant with what we call a red notice. Can you explain the difference to us?

Clement Daniez : A red notice is an international alert issued by Interpol to request help from police services around the world to arrest a person. The international arrest warrant, which we are talking about today, is issued by the International Criminal Court, the ICC, and concerns crimes that affect the entire international community, of three types: war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocides.

For further

Arrest warrant requested by the ICC: behind Netanyahu, all of Israel in the dock

War in Gaza: Biden considers the arrest warrant requested by the ICC against Netanyahu “scandalous”

Stéphane Séjourné questioned by an Israeli minister: behind the scenes of a very agitated evening

PODCAST. What is a “war crime”? L’Express explains everything to you
