Finnish promise Eveliina Taka, 20, did a tough stunt in the World Cup! Watch a video on top performance

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Eveliina Taka surprised herself in the final competition of the season – only one thing was annoying. Watch the video of the Finnish performance in the video that is the main image of the story.

Finland Eveliina Taka placed sixth in the final of the World Snowboard Women’s Slopestyle in Switzerland on Sunday and reached her best place in the World Cup. In the past, the board has slipped to 18th.

– The second World Cup ever went to the finals. It’s incredibly cool how this day turned into a decision like this. I got another place in the qualifiers. It was a bit annoying when the backside 900 didn’t go on the second bill, but I’m really proud that with the first bill I got to fight the stunts and I was able to start up, 20-year-old Taka said in a press release.

Taka scored 54.00 on his first landing.

Of Austria Anna Gasser won before Canada Laurie Blouinia and Japan Kokomo Murasea.

In the men’s final of Finland Mikko Rehnberg reached 13th. Marcus Kleveland and Mons Röisland guaranteed a double victory for Norway. Australian Valentino Guseli was third.
