Finnish President Alexander Stubb on the security situation: “I feel calm”

Swedish-speaking Alexander Stubb from the Finnish moderate Samlingspartiet has a solid political career behind him. Among other things, he has been the country’s prime minister, foreign minister and finance minister.

In March, Stubb took office as Finland’s new president. He thus has great influence over security policy and has already had time to face several challenges. Among other things, leading Finland in NATO and managing the tense relationship with neighboring Russia.

The war in Ukraine

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  • – I still belong to the category that believes that it is quite impossible that Russia will use any kind of military capacity against Europe, he says in Aktuellt.

    On the war hysteria: “Calm pucks”

    Stubb believes that two years later, Russia still “hasn’t succeeded” in taking over Ukraine.

    – We should take it easy, we shouldn’t drive into this war hysteria. Calm pucks, as I usually say.

    Finland’s defense is equipped with three locks, emphasizes Stubb: National defence, NATO and defense cooperation with the USA, DCA.

    – I feel quite calm as Finland’s commander-in-chief.

    In the clip above, Alexander Stubb talks about the relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
