Finland had to be tougher than it should have been in the match against Sweden – because of this there was an exceptional double victory | Sport

Finland had to be tougher than it should have been

Urheilu’s experts Jaakko Ojaniemi and Tuomas Raja particularly appreciated the performances of Topi Raitanen, Krista Tervo and Joonas Rinnee.

For the first time in 26 years, the Swedish athletics match ended with a double celebration for the Finns, as both women and men celebrated the victory over the western neighbor. It had been six years since the Finnish men’s previous victory, nine for the women.

A year ago, Finland and Sweden ended up with equal points in the men’s match, but the western neighbor offset the victory with the number of individual victories.

Athletics specialist at Urheilu Jaakko Ojaniemi estimated that the Finns had managed to maintain their fitness better towards autumn than last year.

– Then the Swedes seemed to stretch quite a lot, and now the Finns stretched a little. Maybe not so much for the men, but the women had a good stretch this Saturday especially. Of course, Home Audience was certainly a big factor, says Ojaniemi.

– The team’s overall contribution was good. There were a lot of stretches and even battles turned points in Finland’s favor, another athletics expert Tuomas Raja says.

Finland kept its pre-favorite position

In the “paper country match” based on statistics, Finland was the early favorite. The men won by more than 20 points and the women by more than ten.

Finland’s men started cheerfully on Friday with a wide front and took triple victories in the javelin, long and javelin. In addition, points were collected from running distances Raitanen’s top (3,000m steeplechase) and Joonas Rinne (800 meters) in the lead.

The Finns started the final day with 11 points in the lead. Saturday was supposed to be a strong day for Finns, but it immediately started awkwardly when Aleksi Ojala dismissed in 10,000 walks.

Sweden grabbed more pucks here and there than expected and took, for example, on the puck Daniel Ståhl leading to a triple win.

Finland’s lead had shrunk to three by the final 1,500 meters, but the milers withstood the pressure captain Joonas Rinne in the lead, and Finland got to celebrate.

– Sweden was good in men on the second day and in Finland everything didn’t go well. Sweden came surprisingly close. On the other hand, it was great from the point of view of the national match that the men’s match was resolved in the last sport in a wonderful way, Tuomas Raja reflects.

The Finnish women started Saturday from two points behind, but the triple victories of the 5,000-meter walk, 100-meter hurdles and hurdles helped to decide the game even before the 1,500-meter run.

Tervo and Raitanen were excited

Jaakko Ojanieme remembered Topi Raitanen’s strong performance in the men’s 3,000 meter steeplechase from the weekend. At the end of the season colored by illnesses and ailments, Raitanen kiri won the match with a strong final kiri and his best time of the season 8:19.50.

Sweden only narrowly took the event points 12–10 instead of the predicted eight point victory.

– Joonas Rinnee’s victory in the race on Friday was also an inspiring moment, says Ojaniemi.

Tuomas Rajakin praises Raitanen’s bet after a difficult season. However, she is the first to bring out the handsome Finnish record of 74.85 in the women’s freestyle Krista Tervon.

Tervo failed to qualify for the European Championship and during the summer he had difficulties to get his technique in order, as his throws were left in the net time after time.

– When you think about that story, what sport is like. First, many are telling you that you shouldn’t even go to value races. Then she breaks the Finnish record at the Olympics and then the SE here, so yes, Krista’s throw was absolutely wonderful, a moving moment, says Raja.

The best in the place

The Olympic Stadium had a comfortable audience during the international match, which actively cheered on the Finns. According to Tuomas Raja, the traditional international match still has its place.

– It’s a great tradition and hopefully the Swedes will invest in the atmosphere again next year.

Due to various reasons, Finland lacked big names in the national match, such as Ilona Mononen, Oliver Helander, Nina Chydenius and Viivi Lehikoinen. For example, pole vaulting superstars were absent from Sweden Armand Duplantis and 800 meters Swedish record holder Andreas Kramer.

– It is good to hope that the best athletes would be there anyway. Now, there were some absentees, but a great country match by those athletes who were there. If you think about the fact that it had been 26 years since the last double win, it’s a really gratifying start to the weekend, says Raja.
