Film-audiovisual chain, Anica and CDP: industry on the move

Film audiovisual chain Anica and CDP industry on the move

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – For every euro invested in the film and audiovisual sector, 3.54 are created throughout the Italian economy: most of them in other economic sectors, with very positive effects on the creation of direct, indirect and induced employment. The impact of the investment is not the same in all territories: the multiplier in terms of employment is greater in the South, almost double. These are some of the key messages that emerge from the meeting “Employment in the cine-audiovisual chain”, convened in the Sala ANICA in Rome to discuss starting from the study of Deposits and Loans Fundcreated and presented by Andrea Montanino, Chief economist and Director of sectoral strategies and impact, and by his team, present with Massimo Rodà and Livio Romano.

According to the study, thousands of new employees will be needed in the next few years in audiovisual companies, in line with the development brought about by technologies. Audio-video technicians, post-production and digital effects operators, shooting and audio-video production operators, directors, art directors, screenwriters, set designers, production technicians, web technicians, industrial and management engineers, marketing technicians. Qualified, highly specialized jobs.

“The strong employment impact of the film and audiovisual industry, a sector that provides many good jobs – and many more need to be trained – is also a crucial sector for the promotion of our country in the world and for the growth of tourism – he said the president of ANICA, Francis RutelliWe expect certainty about resources from the government and parliamenton rules and timing, as well as simplification of procedures and strengthening of the technostructure that administers such a dynamic and fast-developing sector”.

From the research of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti abooming industry, even in contrast with other productive sectors in terms of internationalization, both for export and for the attraction of investments. The value of products exported by European countries grows by 70% between 2014 and 2021, even if Italy still shows a production structure based mainly on small and medium-sized enterprises. One of the challenges is the growth in sizewhich can take place through the construction of a balanced internal ecosystem between multinational and national operators, which promotes the peculiarities of the national sector, particularly in its relationship with talents, both creative and technical. Remarkable is the ability to create work: for every 100 million euros of increased demand for audiovisual production in Italy, an average of 2,281 new jobs is estimated, who are distributed in the same audiovisual supply chain, but mostly spread to many other connected sectors. From the estimates on the territorial impacts it emerges that the same 100 million of new demand for audiovisual production generate uneven positive effects: in the South and in the islands there are 3163 employed, against 1881 in the North-West, 2101 in the North-East, 2011 in the Centre. For each euro invested in the sector, the multiplier for the general economy is 3.54. A profitable investment.
