Fashion, Sace: Made in Italy Fashion exports growing in the first 6 months (+5.6%)

Fashion Sace Made in Italy Fashion exports growing in the

(Finance) – In the first six months of the year, the value of exports of the fashion Made in Italy it advanced by 5.6% (also in this case, doing better than total exports, +4.1%), driven by sales of clothing and leather accessories. According to recent forecasts by SACEoverall in 2023 growth should settle at 4.6% and continue at almost this rate also in the next three years (+3.7% on average), being able to count on a growing attention to quality and sustainability.

In the first seven months of 2023, the production volume from the textile industries, clothing, leather and accessories recorded a decline of 4.8% compared to the same period last year. At the sector level, however, some heterogeneities are observed, with theclothing which marked a slight trend increase (+1.6%). In general, the negative dynamic is being affected by the cooling of the manufacturing cycle, which in turn reflects both a physiological decline after the strong post-Covid recovery and the loss of consumer purchasing power caused by high inflation.

The turnover of the fashion sector industries continued to grow in the first half of 2023, recording +7.2% compared to the same period of the previous year, both on market internal both on markets foreign, albeit at slower rates than last year’s double-digit rates. The positive performance, which was higher than the manufacturing average (+3%), was particularly lively for clothing (around +17%), offsetting the weaker dynamics of leather and textiles.
