Family support allowance: revalued on November 1, what new amount?

Family support allowance revalued on November 1 what new amount

ASF 2022. As planned by the government, the family support allowance is increased by 50% from 1 November.

[Mis à jour le 2 novembre 2022 à 10h28] The family support allowance (ASF) paid to a parent raising one or more children alone without alimony is revalued by 50% since November 1, 2022. Paid by the MSA or the Family Allowance Fund (CAF), the family support allowance therefore goes from 122.93 euros to 184.41 euros per month and per child when raised by a single parent. When the child is taken in, and one or both parents do not contribute to the education costs: it rises from 163.87 euros to 245.80 euros per month. As a reminder, nearly 800,000 families are affected by the family support allowance in 2022.

The amount of this social benefit is 122.93 euros per month and per child. When the defaulting parent pays child support below this amount, the CAF and the MSA will pay a differential family support allowance. It then corresponds to the difference between the amount of the actual alimony and 122.93 euros.

Since 1 November 2022, the family support allowance has benefited from a 50% increase. In other words, its amount now amounts to €184.41 per month per child when raised by a single parent.

The ASF goes from 163.87 euros to 245.80 euros per month and per child when the child is taken in and one or both parents do not participate in the education costs.

The CAF family support allowance is intended for single-parent families. Must therefore live alone and reside in France. The child must be in your care, in other words, you provide financial maintenance (food, clothing, etc.). Are you wondering up to what age you can benefit from the family support allowance? In the eyes of the CAF, a child is considered dependent until his 20 years. Additionally, you must be in one of the following situations:

  • That is, the other parent no longer participates in the interviewby no longer paying alimony for example, for at least a month
  • That is, he pays you a pension of less than 122.93 euros.

When alimony has been fixed by the judge, the CAF or the MSA can pay the family support allowance. In contrast, this aid is considered as an advance. Concretely, your fund will be responsible for recovering the pension in the event of unpaid alimony, and if necessary, it will set up a collection procedure against the other parent to recover the unpaid.

To apply for a family support allowance, you must complete the cerfa form n°12038 for ASF application, here. You will need to attach form no. 11423 declaring the situation, as well as the requested documents.

The duration of ASF payment depends on your situation and is not necessarily intended to become permanent. Here are the situations that may arise:

  • The defaulting parent pays child support of less than 122.93 euros: a differential allowance is paid. “If the difference is less than €15, the differential ASF is not paid”, warns the public service site. “L‘Differential ASF, due for each month, is paid quarterly’.
  • The other parent does not pay you maintenance, even though an amount has been set: the ASF is paid as an advance.
  • The other parent cannot pay alimony: the CAF takes steps to verify the situation of this parent, and if necessary, determines whether it pays you the ASF and whether you must take steps for alimony.
  • No pension amount has been fixed: in this case, the ASF is paid for a period of four months. Beyond this period, to maintain the rights, it will be necessary to initiate legal action.
