Faced with a lasting political crisis, Iraqis between weariness and anger

Faced with a lasting political crisis Iraqis between weariness and

New demonstrations are planned for Friday in Baghdad. Supporters of Moqtada al-Sadr will gather for the midday prayer while their rivals will be gathered at the entrance to the Green Zone, the seat of government. The religious leader is engaged in a fight against other Shiite political forces for the appointment of a new government. Ten months after the last legislative elections, the executive has still not been formed. But many Iraqis, tired of their leaders, follow this showdown from afar.

With our special correspondents in Baghdad, Bertrand Haeckler and Guilhem Delteil

Karada Dakhil is a rather liberal Shiite neighborhood in Baghdad. The green zone, the seat of government, is on the other bank of the Tigris and the two worlds do not seem to mix. In Karada Dakhil, passers-by are not interested in the activity of political parties and their activists.

No political party is interested in the good of the country, of the people, of what is happening in the country, comments Dania Abdelrahman, a recent engineering graduate. All parties are there to serve their own interests, nothing more. »

To read also: Iraq: the standoff between the two Shiite camps hardens

Disillusioned or angry, like Abu Ahmad who does not want to give his civil name for fear of reprisals. ” All the people absolutely want a change, whatever it costs. Because there is no worse situation than the one we are in. It makes you hope that whatever happens. We’re at the stage where we’re hoping for the devil to come and rule us. Our politicians are worse than demons. »

At 22, Dania Abdelrahman, she hopes for a more positive change. And the young woman wants to believe it. ” Yes, I have hope. Especially looking at the younger generation. We do not want this sectarian regime and we are aware of what is happening. Maybe in ten years, we will see something else. »

To read also: Moqtada al-Sadr, the man at the heart of the Iraqi crisis
