Fabien Truong, the size of the origins

Fabien Truong the size of the origins

He’s a sociologist well in his shoes. A new generation sociologist who ties his shoelaces, either to scream into the microphone with his punk friends, or to find his students Toufik, Zora or Lison.

That’s it, Fabien Truong has several sneakers. After having been a teacher, educator and investigator (read his Radical loyalties. Islam and the nation’s bad boys), he who today teaches sociology at the University of Paris 8 returns to us from a starry journey between the city of Saint-Denis, New Caledonia and Vietnam. Fabien Truong that we always imagine in jeans, sign tree pruning, romantic and sociological novel where the pair of sneakers is escorted both by his students from immigrant backgrounds and by the ghost of a Vietnamese grandfather, who left too soon…

Fabien Truong’s musical choices

This is the Kit Silver John

saul williams sunday bloody sunday
