Extreme heat wave in Thailand: “Very worrying”

An extreme heat wave has swept across Thailand – and the authorities are urging people to stay indoors. – You are worried, says journalist Kim Wadström, who is on Koh Lanta. In Southeast Asia it is always hot this year, but this year it has been extremely hot, and several countries have set new records. Extreme heat is currently prevailing in Thailand and the authorities have issued warnings about staying outdoors. At the weekend, the temperature was measured at 42 degrees in the capital Bangkok and the perceived temperature was measured at around 54 degrees. A worrying heat record In the province of Tak, a temperature of 45.4 degrees was measured on Saturday, a worrying heat record. It is the first time ever that the temperature exceeds 45 degrees in the country. And the high temperatures have several negative effects. Now it’s also starting to get extremely dry in the forest and land, says journalist Kim Wadström, who is on Koh Lanta. – You are worried because it is not only hot hot hot, it is also dry dry dry. Here where I am on Koh Lanta, we have barely had a drop in almost six months. It is so dry that it burns a little here and there. Great concern over climate change For the population, it is now important to stay indoors to avoid the strong sun and suffocating heat. And the air conditioning is on, both in homes and in shops and workplaces. – We mostly stay indoors, we turn on the air conditioning – and this means that electricity consumption is also at a record high in Thailand. We have never consumed this much electricity and it is becoming an election issue, says Wadström. – Here on Koh Lanta, people are very worried about climate change, so tomorrow they sign a climate and environmental declaration to reduce the impact they make on the environment, says the journalist.
