Exprivia takeover bid, acceptances over 30%

Takeover bid Exprivia acceptances over 35

(Finance) – As part of the voluntary public purchase offer (OPA) promoted by Abaco3 on the ordinary shares of Exprivia, a company listed on Euronext Milan and active in the development of innovative software technologies and the provision of IT services, it appears that today, 11 September 2023, 67,963 membership requests were submitted. Therefore, overall the requests for membership are at 6,824,027, equal to 30.2% of the offer.

Offer began July 24, 2023 and will end September 15, 2023, as extended.

Italian stock exchange remember that the Exprivia ordinary shares purchased on the market on 14 and 15 September 2023 cannot be tendered in acceptance of the offer.
