He pointed out that water, which constitutes about 60 percent of human body weight and is an indispensable nutritional element for human life, has functions such as removing waste materials from the body through ways such as urination, defecation, sweating, maintaining body temperature, providing lubricity of the joints, and preventing the skin from drying out. Anadolu Healthcare
Central Internal Diseases and Nephrology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Enes Murat Atasoy said, “Even in cases of mild thirst, symptoms of weakness and fatigue can be seen in the person, and as the degree of thirst increases, disorders in other body functions also develop. In order to spend the month of Ramadan in a healthy way, especially after breaking the fast at iftar, your kidneys will be damaged.
At least 2 liters of water should be drunk until the sahur so that he does not see it.
BEHAVIORS THAT MAY CAUSE OVER Sweating should be avoided
Stating that not drinking water during the day due to fasting can cause problems such as headache, dizziness or weakness, Internal Medicine and Nephrology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Enes Murat Atasoy said, “It is important to spend energy sparingly while fasting in order to cope with thirst, and even not to be too thirsty. Exercises such as light walks, yoga and meditation can be done, but it is important for health not to tire the body unnecessarily, not to do heavy exercises, and not to engage in behaviors that may cause sweating, that is, extra fluid loss in the body. Also, avoid consuming excessive amounts of tea and coffee instead of water during iftar. These drinks do not replace water, but also cause the body to lose water.