Expert name announced! Here are ways to prevent varicose veins

Varicose veins, which are common, is a health problem that negatively affects women, especially from an aesthetic point of view. While experts underline that varicose veins is a disease that must be treated, the non-surgical treatment methods developed make patients smile. Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist Assoc. Dr. Zehra Bayramoğlu shared information about non-surgical varicose treatments and explained what should be known about ways to prevent varicose veins.


Drawing attention to the reasons that trigger the heir, Assoc. Dr. Zehra Bayramoğlu said, “Varicose veins is a common health problem seen predominantly in women in the society. It is the enlargement and visibility of the veins under the skin. Standing for a long time, high blood pressure, obesity, pregnancy, prolonged inactivity are among the causes of venous insufficiency. There are complaints of pain, swelling, fatigue, burning sensation and itching in the legs and significantly impair the quality of life.” Said.

Noting that the aim of varicose treatments is to alleviate the complaints and prevent complications, Bayramoğlu said, “Especially female patients say that they are not satisfied with this situation because they cannot wear what they want due to the appearance of varicose legs. The aim of the treatment of varicose veins is to alleviate the complaints, prevent complications and correct the bad appearance. Varicose veins, which are outside the surgical limits and do not cause a visually disturbing appearance, can be treated with non-surgical techniques without putting the patient to sleep and without any narcosis. These applications can be done in a short time without interrupting their work and social lives without causing unnecessary loss of time for the patient; After the procedure, they can continue their daily lives instead of resting. Results can be obtained in a short time from the treatment without being exposed to narcosis and surgical complications. He spoke as


Zehra Bayramoğlu, who shares what you need to know about the Sclerotherapy method, which is among the non-surgical varicose treatments, said, “Sclerosing substance is injected into the vein with the help of thin needles for varicose veins called sclerotherapy. This substance makes the vessel walls stick together and they become invisible because blood does not pass through them. The foaming method is the application of the sclerosant substance into the vein in the form of foam by mixing it with air. The treatment session takes about 10-15 minutes. The drug dose is determined according to the vessel diameter. He gave information.


Bayramoğlu continued his words by referring to the patient group that Sclerotherapy should not be applied to.

“Sclerotherapy is not applied to pregnant women, elderly and sedentary patients, severe allergic patients, and those with fever and serious systemic disease. Superficial laser treatments are usually applied in addition to sclerotherapy when necessary; Success is achieved in very thin capillaries with a diameter of 1 mm. It is a cosmetic procedure. Treatment with laser technologies applied without any interventional procedure or incision on the skin gives a successful and comfortable result in patients.


  • Massage cold water into your legs, starting from the ankles, every bath and every day if possible.

  • Swim whenever you can.

  • Avoid tight clothing.

  • Avoid shoes with flat soles, prefer comfortable shoes with 2-3 cm heel.

  • Avoid spicy and constipating foods.

  • Make sure to consume at least 2 liters of water.

  • Avoid inactivity and try to take steps and take short walks every half hour, even indoors, to improve circulation in the feet and legs.

  • Avoid crossing your legs and squatting for long periods of time.

  • At night, you can make pillow support under your feet to keep them up to 10 cm high during sleep.

  • Take care to exercise regularly or take 30-40 minute walks daily.

