Even just 10 minutes is enough! It reduces the risk of death by 40%

Even just 10 minutes is enough It reduces the risk

In order for the body to stay fit and healthy, it is necessary to walk regularly. Walking is especially good against heart and blood pressure diseases. In a study conducted in Korea, the risk of dying from diseases according to the walking of the elderly was examined. According to research, walking for just 10 minutes each day in old age can reduce your risk of dying from any cause by 40 percent. For this reason, especially the elderly should make a habit of walking.


Korean researchers have found that retirees aged 85 and over can reduce their risk of death by walking as little as an hour a week. The study, of more than 7,000 adults in the age group, tracked their exercise levels and whether they died from 2009 to 2014. Those who continued to walk were found to be two-fifths less likely to die from any cause compared to those who were sedentary.


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A team in Seoul said encouraging people to walk could help the oldest in the community avoid inactivity, which could reduce their risk of death. Lead author Dr Moo-Nyun Jin, who is a cardiologist, said it showed people should aim to ‘keep walking through life’. The NHS recommends that adults aged 65 and over aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate activity each week – including walking.

May reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke

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Light exercise can help reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke by keeping the organ in good condition and lowering blood pressure. “Adults are less likely to meet activity recommendations as they get older. Our study shows that walking at least one hour per week is beneficial for people aged 85 and over. Simply put, walk for 10 minutes every day.” Nurse Chloe MacArthur said: “We know that regular physical activity is good for us at any age, as it helps maintain a healthy weight and lowers your risk of developing high blood pressure and high cholesterol. They are vital for reducing your risk of heart attack or stroke and improving your quality of life. ‘It’s never too late to be active. Start with small chores and try to add more activity to your daily life, whether it’s doing housework, gardening or going out for a quick walk.
