A new study conducted by the University of London showed that individuals who did more moderate to intense physical activity than usual on a given day achieved better results in memory tests the next day. Experts say these benefits can be achieved even with simple exercises like climbing stairs.
In the research conducted under the leadership of British scientists, participants aged between 50 and 83 were given cognitive tests for 8 days. As a result of the research, it was determined that people who engaged in moderate or intense physical activity had better working and episodic memory (event memory) performance the next day, considering average activity and sleep levels. It was observed that people who were more inactive than normal started the day with a worse working memory the next day.
Dr. Mikaela Bloomberg stated that deep sleep, in particular, contributes to memory development and said, “Our findings show that the effects of exercise on short-term memory may last longer than we think. These benefits may last not just a few hours after exercise but into the next day. “Regular exercise contributes to the development of cognitive functions,” he said.