Essential oil of eucalyptus globulus, radiata: benefits

Essential oil of eucalyptus globulus radiata benefits

Eucalyptus essential oil is effective in relieving colds, sinusitis or calming coughs. What is the difference between eucalyptus globulus (globular) or radiata (radiated) EO? List of benefits and user guide.

Native to Tasmania in Australia, eucalyptus is part of the myrtaceae family, a major producer of aromatic oils, such as clove (clove). He settled on the Mediterranean basin as an ornamental tree. Its straight trunk has a smooth, ash gray bark revealing its reddish wood in places. Eucalyptus has the particularity of losing its bark (it sheds) each winter, allowing it to grow in height and diameter. Its size can reach 100 m in height in Australia, and almost 70 m in Europe in the humid zones where it absorbs water. On young branches, the first leaves are thin, cordate or oval. They are then replaced by long leaves that can reach 20 cm, sickle-shaped, and very fragrant. They are the ones who supply the essential oil. Stiff and leathery, they are of a beautiful bluish green, their central rib is dotted with small glands. The inflorescences are formed of small flowers with petals retained by a solid capsule, also fragrant. What is the difference between eucalyptus radiata and eucalyptus globulus? Starting at what age can we use them? What are the contraindications?

Photo of a branch of eucalyptus radiata © skymoon13-Adobestock

What is the difference between eucalyptus radiata and eucalyptus globulus?

There are nearly 600 species of eucalyptus, all are not very susceptible to diseases and resistant to cold. Among the eucalyptus essential oils, there are:

  • eucalyptus essential oil (radiata) composed of 1.8 cineole (concentration of 60-75%
  • globular eucalyptus essential oil (globulus) composed of 1.8 cineole (concentration of 70 to 80%)

They both have properties antibacterial, powerful antiviral, expectorant and mucolytic.

From what age can essential oils of eucalyptus globulus and radiata be used?

  • Essential oil (EO) of eucalyptus radiata can be used from 3 years old in external application or broadcast (5 min/hour in the absence of the child up to 6 years old. After 6 years old the child can be present). Internal intake is not recommended before age 12“, specifies Amélie Mounier, naturopath.
  • Globulous eucalyptus EO is not recommended before the age of 6 and should instead be used in local application. Limit the diffusion even adult, and not before 12 years by internal route (be careful, this use promotes the production of acidity in the stomach.
Photo of eucalyptus globulus branches
Photo of eucalyptus globulus branches © irairopa-Adobestock

What are the benefits of eucalyptus globulus and radiata essential oils?

The richness in eucalyptol (1.8 cineole) makes it possible to obtain good results in the treatment of respiratory tract infections high and low“, indicates the naturopath. Its action, demonstrated during clinical studies, is recognized by the WHO (World Health Organization), by the German Commission E and by the ESCOP which brings together scientific knowledge in phytotherapy from its member countries.

► To relieve the bronchitis and wet cough: Eucalyptus globulus EO, EO is considered one of the infections in the lower respiratory tract, in the bronchi and lungs.

► To calm bacterial dermatitis: Eucalyptus globulus EO has antifungal properties recommended in case of bacterial skin infections (dermatitis). It is also effective in relieving ear infections.

► To relieve colds, nasopharyngitis or sinusitis: The EO of eucalyptus radiata is indicated because it is “specialist” in the upper respiratory tract.

► To relieve the flu: The WHO recognizes the traditional use of globe eucalyptus leaves to relieve fever.

Inhalation use

The inhalation of essential oil of eucalyptus radiata is to be preferred in case of inflammation and infection of the respiratory tract: bronchitis, cold, sinusitis“, specifies the naturopath. If the nose is blocked and the upper respiratory tract is taken, for example at the beginning of a cold or nasopharyngitis, prefer inhalation over a bowl of boiling water with 5 drops of Eucalyptus radiata EO (radiated), head covered with a towel, for 5 to 10 minutes (to be done 2-3 times a day until symptoms improve). Eucalyptus radiata is preferred because it is less irritating to the mucous membranes than Eucalyptus globulus. Instead, prefer oral intake or local application to Eucalyptus globulus (inhalation or diffusion as a last intention).

Eucalyptus globulus EO is not recommended for diffusion.

Broadcast use

The diffusion of EO of radiated eucalyptus in a room by a diffuser is ideal for free the respiratory sphere from its obstructions, purify the ambient air and stimulate immunity. Pour 30 drops in an electric diffuser or 10 drops in the water of an atomizer, to diffuse during cycles of 10 minutes / hour for adults, 2-3 times a day and no more than 5 min / hour in the absence of the child up to 6 years old, after 6 years old the child can be present. Attention, “EO eucalyptus globulus is not recommended for diffusion“, warns the naturopath.

Globulous eucalyptus essential oil is more irritating than radiated eucalyptus.

Use on the skin

  • In case of infection or inflammation of the respiratory tract, the application of eucalyptus EO on the skin is interesting.
  • In case of a coldit is recommended to rub the upper back
  • In case of flu, it is advisable to massage the arch of the foot with 2 to 5 drops, 2-3 times a day, for 2 or 3 days.

In all cases, the EO of eucalyptus struck off and the EO of globular eucalyptus must be diluted in a few drops of vegetable oil (apricot, jojoba, macadamia…your choice). Be careful, globular eucalyptus EO is more irritating than radiate, it is recommended to dilute it well before application. The naturopath also warns:

No HE application of eucalyptus radiata on the upper chest, neck or face in children under 6 years old.

No HE application of eucalyptus globulus and radiated in children over 3 years old with a history of epilepsy or seizures.

Oral use, to swallow

► The essential oil of eucalyptus can be recommended by oral route, for adults: 2 drops 3 times a day (no more than 5 days). Attention : for children the HE of eucalyptus radiated is not recommended orally before the age of 13.

► Eucalyptus globulus EO can be used in the event of bronchial congestion by adults at the same dosages as eucalyptus radiata. It can be used by children over 12 years old: 1-2 drops, 3 times/day, no more than 3-4 days.

► It is better to use eucalyptus globulus EO (2 drops) in a little honey or on a neutral stamp2-3 times a day before 6 p.m., no more than 5 days in a row.

Use during pregnancy, lactation

He is not recommended to use radiated eucalyptus or globulus essential oils during pregnancy and lactation.

Use in babies or children

Before 3 yearsdo not use eucalyptus essential oil, whether radiate or globulus.

Before 6 years, it is not recommended to use eucalyptus globulus EO. After 6 years, it is better to use it in local application. No oral intake before 12 years.

From 3 years old, you can use radiated eucalyptus EO (E. radiata) in external application or in diffusion: it has all the qualities of globular eucalyptus (E. globulus), but it is much gentler for the mucous membranes and the skin . No oral intake before 12 years.

In general, it is not recommended to give an HE rich in 1.8 cineole orally to children. “In very specific cases, it is always necessary to contact a professional specialist in aromatology”insists the naturopath.

What are the dangers of eucalyptus globulus and radiata essential oils?

“The dosage of eucalyptus globulus and radiata essential oil remedies should be precise and without excess : no more than 5 days in adults“, recalls the naturopath. It is necessary to interrupt their use as soon as irritation, bronchial spasms, convulsions or dizziness appear and to consult a doctor if the condition does not improve after 4-5 days. Excessive consumption of eucalyptus EO can be fatali.e. with 3.5 ml of HE which represents about 70 drops.

► Do not apply radiated eucalyptus EO on the upper chest, neck or face in children under 6 years old and no application of EO of eucalyptus globulus and radiated in children over 3 years of age with a history of epilepsy or seizures.

What are the contraindications of eucalyptus globulus and radiata essential oils?

Eucalyptus globulus and radiata should not be used in:

  • the people asthmatics,
  • the people epileptic,
  • people with a corneal dryness especially in diffusion and inhalation,
  • in case of stomach pains (1.8 cineole causes the secretion of acids in the stomach),
  • in case of tserious hepatic rubles
  • people under immunosuppressants must avoid the use of eucalyptus radiata.

Thanks to Amélie Mounier, certified FENA naturopath, in Vincennes.
