Enora Malagré, suffering from endometriosis, is hospitalized again

Enora Malagre suffering from endometriosis is hospitalized again

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Odile Bagot (Gynecologist-obstetrician)

    Medical validation:
    February 02, 2023

    The former columnist of “Touche pas à mon poste” was rushed to hospital after losing a lot of blood. On social networks, she explains that it is endometriosis – an inflammatory gynecological disease – which causes her these losses and pains.

    Endometriosis affects approximately 10% of women worldwide and 1.5 million people in France. A scourge that affects the lives of women on a daily basis. Enora Malagré knows the effects only too well, she who has suffered from it for several years and was hospitalized in emergency on Monday, January 30.

    The host has lost “litres of blood”

    So today is a day without. I lose liters of blood, I hurt like never before. I tell myself that I’m fed up, because nothing really works for me. I really want us to find a cure. A REAL to this crap. Endometriosis. Because we don’t talk about it much now but it’s not progressing!! Not enough, there’s no cure… I almost posted a video of me crawling in pain this morning, I’m so angry. I think of all those who are in crisis like me“, she wrote in story Instagram.

    The actress and radio host adds that she had to take medication because of these significant blood losses.

    Don’t panic, huh, but when it’s unbearable and you’ve lost too much blood, you end up in the emergency room. I was given Oramorph, it’s not unpleasant, it’s based on morphine, and then, we’re going to do some exams.”

    If Enora Malagré tries to be resilient despite her painful past with the disease – she has suffered seven miscarriages – she nevertheless wishes to warn about the cruel lack of data on this subject.

    We must continue the fight. Research needs to move forward“, she hammered from her hospital bed where she was infused.

    Many treatments can prevent this bleeding

    A testimony and symptoms, which are not necessarily representative of what women with endometriosis endure. And for good reason : “There are multiple forms of the disease, ranging from asymptomatic to severe“, recalls Odile Bagot.

    The main symptom of the disease is pain. On the other hand, bleeding is rarer and – if it occurs – it is quite possible to treat it. The first treatment is to block ovulation by taking a pill specific to the disease. Then, any suffering woman can ask to be put in “artificial menopause” thanks to injections. Finally, surgery is possible, but it remains difficult because of adhesions, and of course it directly depends on the person’s desire for motherhood. Sometimes the uterus must be removed“, concludes the gynecologist.
