Endometriosis: Jean-Pierre Pernaut’s daughter delivers her pain on Instagram

Endometriosis Jean Pierre Pernauts daughter delivers her pain on Instagram

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    In an Instagram story, Lou Pernaut, well known on social networks, spoke openly about the endometriosis she has suffered from for 10 years. A personal way to make visible this still taboo evil which nevertheless affects one in 10 women.

    Regularly posting pieces of his daily life on his social networks, Lou Pernaut is well known to Internet users. The daughter of presenter Jean-Pierre Pernaut is also regularly attacked there, a situation to which she has become accustomed to responding with humor or anger. But this November 17, it is a completely different development that she shared in story, to explain her lack of publications for a few days.

    “A disease that kills me one week a month”

    Hello friends! Right now I have a lot of endometriosis attacks that prevent me from doing lots of productive things and living at 100%. That’s why today I would have liked to write about this disease that has been killing me 1 week / month for almost 10 years”, lamented Lou Pernaut in an Instagram story, encouraging his subscribers to find out about it.

    This is not the first time that the young woman confides in this disease which impacts her life and her activity. Already in October 2021, Lou Pernaut had revealed on Tik Tok that she had endometriosis, which regularly prevented her from going to class. In a post, she spoke candidly about her unbearable pain during her periods to her more than one million subscribers:

    Since this morning, I have my period, I had vomiting so much the pain is strong and we still need to justify ourselves in 2021 not to go to class because of endometriosis”, she wrote.

    A way to make concrete an evil that gnaws at one in 10 menstruating people, at least, according to the figures, like Laetitia Milot or Enora Malagré who have also broken the taboo around this disease.

    Endometriosis causing pain and absenteeism

    Endometriosis is a chronic gynecological disease that affects at least 10% of women, but is not always diagnosed, at least quickly. The disease is characterized by a proliferation of the endometrium, the tissue that lines the uterus, in abnormal places, such as the genitals, the peritoneum, but also the urinary, digestive, or even pulmonary systems. This proliferation causes terrible pain, especially during menstruation or during sexual intercourse. It also represents an obstacle to pregnancy.

    A pain, not always understood, which notably promotes absenteeism at work. According to a study over 10 years old, endometriosis could cause a woman in pain to lose around 10.8 hours of work per week, due to its lack of efficiency during attacks. A consequence which, for Endofrance, has a cost for the company and which consequently favors the dismissal or the non-renewal of contracts.
