End your pain! To treat tongue sores…

End your pain To treat tongue sores

The tongue sore can be red or white in color. It is necessary to treat these wounds that cause pain in the tongue as soon as possible. Before treating tongue sores, learning what causes these sores can ensure proper management of the treatment process. If your tongue sores are recurring frequently, you should see a doctor.


  • accidentally biting the tongue
  • Wounds caused by dental caries
  • Fungus on the tongue
  • Exposure of the tongue to bacteria and/or viruses
  • Frequent and excessive consumption of spicy foods
  • Likewise, consuming very hot or very cold food and drinks
  • Mistakes made while brushing or flossing
  • harmful habits
  • The effect of different diseases, from cancer to diabetes
  • Side effects that may occur due to some drugs used




Honey not only helps to heal the inflamed areas, where it has antibacterial properties, but also relieves aches and pains in a short time thanks to its soothing properties. All you have to do for this is to put 1 teaspoon of raisins on the wound on your tongue, and to wait for about 1 minute in this way. By applying this 3 times a day, you can make your tongue wound heal in a very short time.



Since lavender oil is very good for inflamed areas, it is one of the most effective names for the rapid healing of wounds caused by inflammation in the tongue. Drop 4-5 drops of lavender oil, which you can obtain from herbalists or markets where natural products are sold, into a glass of water and mix. Gargle with this mixture. While gargling, make sure that the mixture comes into contact with the injured area, especially on your tongue. In a short time, you will see that the pain and pain caused by your tongue sore is reduced.



Turnip juice is one of the natural materials that show antibacterial effects. Thanks to this feature, it helps to heal tongue wounds faster. Get the most natural turnip juice you can find and keep it in your mouth for a longer time and sip it. If you don’t like its taste, you don’t have to drink turnip juice. It will also be sufficient to gargle only in a way that makes contact with the wound on your tongue abundantly.

Baking Powder-WATER


Transfer a packet of baking soda to a small bowl or saucer. Add lukewarm water little by little and mix to obtain a paste-like mixture. Apply this mixture on the wound on your tongue and try to wait for 1 minute before swallowing. Then rinse your mouth well with warm water. This application will take away the pain and pain caused by the wound on your tongue.



You can mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with water, turn it into a paste, put it on your wound and rinse it well after 1 minute. Since baking soda also has anti-inflammatory properties, just like baking soda, it will take the pain and pain caused by the wound on your tongue and accelerate the healing process.



Add 1 teaspoon of salt as wiping into a glass of drinking water and mix it and gargle with this salt water mixture, especially in the area where the wound is on your tongue. This will both relieve the pain and help your tongue wound heal in a shorter time.
