Electric cars: which insurance to choose?

Electric cars which insurance to choose

After a tentative start, the electric automobile sector has been booming in recent months. The reason ? Attractive purchase premiums and the desire to move towards a more environmentally friendly solution.

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The deployment of “clean” vehicles

We could legitimately question the importance of democratizing the purchase and use of electric cars. The challenges are multiple and consist among others of:

  • reduce rejections of greenhouse gas and in particular in the city;
  • reduce dependence on fossil fuels ;
  • mitigate Pollution in urban areas and improve the quality ofair ;
  • decarbonize the transport and participate in the fight against global warming.

So many reasons to stimulate sales and communicate the benefits of fuel-free driving. In this regard, the sale of electric vehicles and hybrids is on the rise: + 146% for fully electric models and + 143% for hybrid versions according to the Ministry of Ecological Transition.

Once the car is purchased, the question of insurance arises

Car insurance is compulsory for all vehicles, electric and hybrid included. The objective is to cover your vehicle, to protect you as a driver but also to protect others.

Requesting a quote from several insurance companies takes time and requires repeating the same information each time. By going through an auto insurance comparator, you get all the results on a single page that may correspond to your request and your profile. You will then find that, for the equivalent with your thermal car current, you will certainly pay less monthly for an electric model.

Because yes, statistically electric cars have lessaccidents since the journeys are shorter for reasons of autonomy. Results: more breaks, less fatigue and less recklessness. The uses are therefore different and this is reflected in the amount of the quote for auto insurance. However, it should be noted that there are no specific contracts for these “clean” vehicles. The value of the car, its use and the profile of the driver remain the main criteria on the quotes.

Furthermore, battery being the most complex and costly component of electric cars, it needs special attention for insurance. Because indeed, if you choose a model with a battery rental contract included, it will be essential to choose an insurance policy that covers you in the event of damage to the battery!

A bonus to encourage the switch to electric

Finally, be aware that the bonus of € 6,000 dispensed for the purchase of an electric vehicle has been extended by 6 months bringing the deadline to 1er July 2022. A decrease of € 1,000 was initially planned for 1er January 2022. As a reminder, this bonus is granted on the condition of purchasing a vehicle the price of which does not exceed € 45,000.

The acquisition of an electric car echoes a desire to reduce the harmful effects of driving on the environment but also to make some savings by reducing costs. Thanks to the auto insurance comparator, you can also find a cheaper solution to insure your vehicle and therefore reach a break-even point faster!

Article produced in partnership with lecomparateurassurance.com

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