Egg white benefits: What does egg white do?

Egg white is a clear, sticky, gelatinous liquid found in the eggs of chickens and other bird species. Egg white has an important place as a natural protein and nutrient store. Thanks to its high biological value and low calorie, it is a prominent nutrient in the nutrition world. Also, egg white is a versatile ingredient commonly used in cooking, baked goods, desserts, and cosmetics. Egg white, which has an important role in health and gastronomy, attracts attention with its nutritional value and functionality.

What does egg white do?

Egg white provides benefits in various fields thanks to its nutritive value and versatile use. Egg white benefits:

  • Protein Source: Egg white is a high quality protein source with high biological value. The amino acids it contains are important building blocks for the body and are necessary for the repair and regeneration of tissues.
  • Low-calorie Food: Egg whites are a low-calorie food and can contribute to weight control. It also offers a low-calorie, high-protein food option for athletes and exercisers.
  • Does Not Contain Cholesterol: Egg white does not contain cholesterol. Therefore, it is a healthy option for those who want to monitor their cholesterol level or restrict their cholesterol intake.
  • Reduces the Risk of Allergy from Egg Yolk: Egg white does not contain allergen substances found in egg yolk. Therefore, egg white consumption may be safer for people who are allergic to egg yolks.
  • Use in Cooking: Egg white is used for various functions in cooking. It is used as a foaming agent and riser, especially in dessert recipes such as cakes, biscuits, macarons and meringue.
  • Use in Cosmetics and Skin Care: Egg white is a natural material that is frequently used in skin care. It can be used for masks and lotions due to its skin-tightening and pore-tightening properties.
  • Promotes Wound Healing: Some compounds in egg white have a wound healing effect. It is a natural option that can be used in wound care and in the treatment of burns.

However, it should be noted that egg white can also cause allergic reactions for some people. Therefore, those who are allergic to egg white and follow a special diet due to their health condition should discuss their consumption with their doctor beforehand.

Is the yolk or the white of the egg healthier?

Egg yolk and white have different nutritional components and each is beneficial for health. When making a judgment between the two, it is important to make choices based on your nutritional needs and personal health status. Both the yolk and the white of the egg contain important nutrients for health. If you follow a healthy diet, consuming whole eggs (both the yolk and white) can often be more balanced and beneficial.

It may be necessary to limit your consumption of egg yolks due to your cholesterol level or other special health conditions. It is especially important to balance the consumption of egg yolk so as not to exceed the recommended daily intake of cholesterol. In any case, it would be best to consult your nutritionist, taking into account your state of health. Characteristics of egg yolk and white:

Egg yolk:

  • Egg yolk is richer in fat, cholesterol and calories.
  • It contains various vitamins and minerals. Especially fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, K, and minerals such as iron and zinc are found in egg yolk.
  • Contains vitamin B complex, especially rich in vitamin B12.
  • It is rich in healthy fats and omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Egg yolk contains a nutrient called choline, which is important for brain and nervous system health.

Egg whites:

  • Egg white does not contain fat and cholesterol. It is low in calories.
  • It contains high quality protein and is a low calorie protein source.
  • Egg white is a food that is less likely to have an allergic reaction. Those who are allergic to eggs can often be allergic not only to the yolk but also to the white.
  • It contains various minerals, especially sodium and potassium.

Egg whites contain valuable nutrients that provide many health benefits. Contributions to bone health include:

  • High Quality Protein Content: Egg white is a high quality protein source with high biological value. Protein is the basic building block of bones and is important for maintaining and repairing bone health.
  • Amino Acids: Egg white contains essential amino acids necessary for the body. Essential amino acids are amino acids that are not produced by the body and must be obtained through food. These amino acids are important for the healthy preservation and regeneration of bone tissue.
  • Choline: Egg white contains a nutrient called choline. Choline increases the absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus, which are important for bone health. This contributes to the formation of strong bones.
  • Low-calorie Food: Egg whites are a low-calorie food source. Weight control is a factor that has positive effects on bone health. Healthy weight control can ensure that bones are under less stress and remain healthy.
  • No Cholesterol: Egg white does not contain cholesterol. High cholesterol levels can have adverse effects on bone health. So, egg whites can be a healthy option for people with cholesterol concerns.

Egg white can contribute to bone health due to its high quality protein, essential amino acids, choline and low calories. However, a complete and balanced diet and an active lifestyle are also important for bone health. For this reason, it is important to have a nutrition plan that includes a variety of nutrients and regular exercise to protect and strengthen bone health.

What are the benefits of egg white for skin?

Egg white has many benefits for the skin. Positive effects of egg white on the skin:

  • Skin Firming Effect: Egg white has a tightening effect on the skin pores. When applied to the skin, it dries, tightens the skin and provides a temporary recovery.
  • Oil Control: Egg white can help control the oil secretion of the skin. In this way, it can reduce the shine on oily skin and alleviate the oily feeling on the skin.
  • Acne and Pimple Treatment: Egg white can help treat acne and pimples, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. When applied to the skin, it can reduce skin redness and inflammation.
  • Reducing Wrinkles on the Skin: Egg white can help lighten fine wrinkles on the skin, thanks to its moisturizing and skin-tightening effects.
  • Balancing Skin Tone: Egg white can help regulate skin tone and contribute to lightening skin discolorations.
  • Removal of Dead Cells in the Skin: Egg white can help remove dead cells from the skin surface. This helps the skin look brighter and more vibrant.
  • Reducing Under Eye Bags and Swelling: Egg white can help reduce under-eye bags and puffiness when applied to the skin.

When using egg white in skin care, it is important to check if you have an allergic reaction to your skin. Before using egg white for skin care, it is recommended to test the reaction by applying it to a small area of ​​your skin. It’s also important to be careful when using natural products for skin care and to treat your skin gently without going overboard. If you have skin problems and have skincare concerns, it would be best to speak to a dermatologist or skin specialist.

What are egg white vitamins?

Egg white is a valuable food for health, especially as it is a rich source of B vitamins. These vitamins are necessary for bodily functions and contribute to the regulation of many metabolic processes. In addition, the low-calorie and fat-free egg whites make it an advantageous option in terms of nutrition. Consuming egg whites in a complete diet can be part of a healthy lifestyle. However, it is important to consider other food sources for a complete and balanced diet. Egg white is a nutritious food containing various vitamins. The main vitamins in egg white are:

  • Contains vitamin B3 or niacin. Vitamin B3 is important for energy production, digestive system health and nervous system functions.
  • Contains vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid. Vitamin B5 is important for energy metabolism and supports the health of cells.
  • Contains vitamin B6 or pyridoxine. Vitamin B6 is important for protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism. It also supports nervous system health and immune system.
  • Contains biotin or vitamin B7. Biotin is an important vitamin for hair, skin and nail health as well as energy production.
  • Contains folic acid or vitamin B9. Folic acid is important for cell division and DNA synthesis. It is especially important during pregnancy to support fetal development.
