Ecstasy: composition, effects of the “love drug”

Ecstasy composition effects of the love drug

Ecstasy is a psychoactive drug, which contains MDMA and other substances like caffeine, LSD or anabolics. It is mainly consumed orally, in a festive context. What are its effects ? Hazards? What to do in case of overdose?

L’ecstasy is a drug sought after for its stimulating effect, often in parties and festive settings. Often called the “love pill”, ecstasy acts on the central nervous system and tends to disinhibit, make empathetic and limit fatigue, which is why it is most often consumed in a festive environment, especially during “rave parties”. From a consumption of 50 to 150 mg at the beginning, tolerance sets in quickly and users must increase the doses to feel the same effects, leading to health risks, both psychic, physiological and behavioral. The average price for a gram of ecstasy crystal/powder is €54, and €10 for an ecstasy tablet, with increasingly high levels of MDMA in recent years, up to 70% depending on the tablet. Young people aged 18 to 34 are the most concerned with experimentation around 3.4% of the population at this age. (Source: OFDT)

Ecstasy is mainly composed of MDMA (methylenedioxymetamphetamine), a product that belongs to the family of amphetamines. It can contain variable doses of active ingredient, ranging from a few milligrams to more than 200 mg of MDMA. It also happens that it does not contain MDMA but other active substances which can be drugs or synthetic drugs like other amphetamines, caffeine, LSD, phencyclidine, or anabolics. Some associations are present during festive events to test the composition of the tablets and to ensure what they contain.

Ecstasy is sold most often in the form of ready-to-swallow (or “swallow”) tablets, colored with a small pattern or a logo. It is found more rarely in the form of powder, capsule or crystals (known as “parachute”). It is most often swallowed directly, but it can also be snorted, smoked or injected.

Ecstasy tablets © 123rf-portokalis

Ecstasy is considered a hard drug because of its effects on the brain and the risks it poses to health.

Ecstasy is said to be the love drug because it has the effect of inducing a state of euphoria and empathy for others that promotes relationships (empathogenic effect). It slightly disinhibits and gives an impression of ease in communicating with others, especially on the tactile level (entactogenic effect).

Immediately after taking, ecstasy causes powerful effects on the brain with a state of euphoria, a feeling of well-being, and resistance to fatigue, sleep and hunger. This is why it promotes social relations and gives the impression of being able to maintain physical efforts for long hours.

During the subsequent descent phase, the heart rate accelerates, blood pressure increases and may be accompanied by palpitations, the user experiences hot flashes and heavy perspiration, as well as a feeling of anxiety, inability to communicate, headaches and nausea. Fatigue appears and the main risk concerns significant dehydration. Some users use other substances such as alcohol, heroin or benzodiazepines to help overcome these effects, increasing health risks.

In case of nausea and vomiting associated with dizziness and headache, urgent medical attention is necessary as these may be signs of overdose which may lead to heart problems, coma or even death. .

The effects appear quickly, about half an hour after taking. They last between 2 and 4 hours before the descent phase which lasts 1 to 2 hours with side effects which can be present for up to 48 hours.

Consumption of ecstasy presents significant health risks, including occasional consumption. She increases body temperature to the point of causing a dehydration can go up to a renal failure, in rare cases fatal. In addition, MDMA can trigger a acute hepatitis immediately or in the days following consumption. the heart rhythm may also be disturbedcausing ventricular fibrillation and cardiovascular arrest emergency care. Due to its psychotropic effects, ecstasy causesbehavioral problems when taking, or sometimes a few days after consumption. It can be panic attacks, paranoid attacks, severe depression or anxiety can go up to suicidal thoughts. All these effects depend on the consumer’s state of health, but also on their level of fatigue and activity. In the long term, regular use of ecstasy ist neurotoxic and causes memory and concentration disorders, premature aging of the brainas well as sleep disturbances.

Even if there is no significant addiction to ecstasy, it is often necessary for the consumer to increase the doses to obtain the same effects. The descent phenomenon can be particularly unpleasant and cause a state of fatigue, depression and anxiety for several days, it looks like a weaning phenomenon that can encourage the user to consume again. If consumption begins to have consequences on personal and professional life, if its frequency or the number of doses each time continues to increase, medical care is necessary.

There is no pharmacological treatment for the symptoms associated with ecstasy use. When addiction sets in, treatment by an addictologist is recommended, whether in private practice, in the hospital or in a CSAPA (Centres for Care, Support and Prevention in Addictology). Anxiolytic treatment can be offered to help manage the descent phenomenon and the anxiety that has set in. Some therapies like CBT (Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy) have proven themselves in this type of addition.

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