“e-How do I participate in the NFT auction?”

e How do these electric cars work Video

togg, continues his videos to introduce the electric future to everyone. information oriented e-How video series The fourth part has arrived.

togg, You know, it is entering the automobile market with purely electric vehicles. These tools are now a part of life, but there are still those who do not know the basics. Because of this The e-How video series was started. The first video of the series you can watch at the bottom of the page “e-How do these electric cars work?titled ” informational content. Here, the focus was on the basics of the electric transmission and provided information that everyone could understand. Later “e-How are these electric cars charged?The second video titled ” has arrived. “If you’re wondering how to charge electric cars and the Togg Smart Device, all the answers you’re looking for are ‘e-How?’ in our series.” In the video you can watch at the bottom of the page shared with the description, besides how the charging process will be, Information about the Trugo charging investment is also given.


Last week, at the bottom of the page, e-How video series The third part had arrived. In the third video, the focus is on the details. here we place Trumore application was included. The following statement is specific to the newly released video: had been dropped: Trumore If you downloaded the app and took your place in the Togg mobility ecosystem, now it’s time to create your Digital Asset Wallet! e-How is this created? Digital Asset Wallet If you say so, the answer is in our video.”

Fourth video today came. “e-How do I participate in the NFT auction?The following explanation has been added to the video at the bottom of the page named ”: “one hundred. Would you like to pre-order a Togg Smart Device by owning an NFT from the Year Special Series NFT Collection? Our NFT auction starts on Sunday, February 5th at 7:23 pm at Trumore! “e-How do I participate in the NFT auction?” If you say, the answer is in our video. “

Togg C-SUV directly to the other latest details you need to know about from here you can reach.

First video shared:

Second video shared:

Third video shared:

The fourth video shared:

New video focused on Digital Asset Wallet
