Dwayne Johnson’s Worst Movie He Makes Fun Of Himself

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

We have already published this article in a similar form for the TV broadcast on October 30, 2021.

Dwayne Johnson’s films don’t always meet with absolute fan love. Some laugh at Tooth Fairy on probation, consider Doom to be a gamer insult or San Andreas irrelevant – the most important action scene from The Rock or not. The actor is often silent about this. Baywatch is different: The terrifying beach comedy is considered by many to be his worst film. So bad that Johnson even got an award for it. And accepted him mockingly. The film is on TV today.

Baywatch is so bad, Dwayne Johnson gets an award

The adaptation of the David Hasselhoff lifeguard epic would have had potential: at least the chemistry is right between beach king Johnson and his assistants Alexandra Daddario and Zac Efron.

© Paramount

Johnson and Efron in Baywatch

But an unnecessarily complicated up hair-raisingly directionless plot, an armada of misfired jokes, the consumptive character drawing, boring cameos and more than a little bit of sexism drag him down to offshore shallows. The result was so completely beyond a working film for many viewers that they were able to enjoy the experience as a freaky trip again. And that’s exactly what Baywatch won an award for.

The film received a golden raspberry as one of the worst films of 2017 in a new category donated by the review site Rotten Tomatoes: “Films that are so ‘rotten’ that you love them again“(“The Razzie Nominee So Rotten You Loved It“). The Rock heard about it and then accepted the award in a wonderful speech.

Dwayne Johnson on the Baywatch price: A “sandwich made of shit”

You can clearly see how much fun he has with his nomination. He doesn’t want to contradict the assessment of the raspberry committee at all:

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The movie was so bad they had to invent a new category: “Movies So Rotten You Love Them Again.” That means the shit sandwich you’re eating is so bad you’ll end up liking it. Listen, Baywatch had the best of intentions, but it just didn’t work out. I accept my golden raspberry. Thanks to fans and critics!

So Baywatch is quite evident absolutely putrid fare, even in The Rock’s opinion. Every fan can decide for themselves whether the film is suitable as ironic entertainment or just awful. Johnson, however, seems quite satisfied with the sandwich that was served.

When is the beach action Baywatch with Dwayne Johnson on TV?

Bay watch is coming today at 8.15 p.m. on ProSieben. If you don’t have time, you can catch up on the film on June 10, 2022 at 10:25 p.m. The action comedy has a running time of 116 minutes without commercials.

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What do you think of Baywatch?
