soldiers deployed to “protect public buildings”

soldiers deployed to protect public buildings

Emmanuel Macron participated this Monday evening in a Defense Council dedicated to New Caledonia. The third in less than a week. It was mainly a question of maintaining order in the French oceanic archipelago.

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Main announcement of this Defense Council: the deployment “ for a time » additional means for “ protect public buildings “. Soldiers will be deployed to relieve internal security forces.

The President of the Republic asks the government “ to continue to demonstrate concentration, vigilance and commitment » on the New Caledonian issue, added the Élysée.

Emmanuel Macron said it had noted clear progress in restoring order in New Caledonia, but blockages persist. The Head of State asks the government to continue to demonstrate concentration, vigilance and commitment in this matter.

The airport closure is extended until Thursday. The evacuation of tourists stranded on the rock, particularly Australians and New Zealanders, is a priority. The Defense Council noted that “ all arrangements have been made to allow tourists still present on the archipelago to return home », while Camberra and Weelington are increasing requests to be able to evacuate their nationals.

Regarding the state of emergency, no change for the moment. Declared in the middle of last week, it cannot exceed twelve days, unless Parliament meets and accepts an extension text. As provided for by the 1955 law.

If this were to be the case, deputies and senators should meet before May 27. One bill was “ in preparation for » at the end of the week, but according to MP Sacha Houlié (majority), the government then hoped for an improvement in the situation.

To rereadNew Caledonia: a very precarious calm returns to the capital
