Drinking in front of children? This is how you should think: “Loaded question”

Drinking in front of children This is how you should

Everyone drinks different amounts of alcohol. Some tolerate more and others tolerate less, but in order to have something to relate to, the National Board of Health and Welfare has published recommendations for what can be classified as risky use.

If you drink ten standard glasses or more per week, it is considered risky use. Even four standard glasses or more per drinking occasion that occurs at least once a month, something that goes by the name of “intensive consumption”.

At the same time, it is not possible to set a limit for risk-free alcohol consumption, according to the National Board of Health and Welfare.

When it comes to drinking in front of children, there are no national guidelines.

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Photo: Christine Olsson/TT. How should one think about drinking in front of children?

News24 have spoken to the psychologist Emelie Blad to find out where the limit is.

– No child should have to feel worried, anxious, afraid or not recognize their parent, says Blad.

Personality changes are something that those around you notice. According to Blad, parents should pay attention to how they themselves change when they drink.

– If you feel that you behave differently under the influence of alcohol, you as a parent can choose to abstain.

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Photo: Martina Holmberg/TT. The psychologist: “Puts responsibility on each parent”

At the same time, it is up to everyone to know their own limits.

– Alcohol and children is a very charged issue, and here I think it is important that we put the responsibility on each parent to take their responsibility, says Blad to Nyheter24.
