Dragonflight Season 4 is live – Here’s what you should do today

The final season of World of Warcraft Dragonflight has started. We’ll tell you what you should do today.

With the end of today’s maintenance work (April 24th, 2024), the 4th and final season of the current expansion begins in World of Warcraft Dragonflight. Once again, all raids and dungeons in the expansion become relevant and progress moves a little faster than in other seasons.

That’s definitely intentional, because you’ll get powerful equipment more quickly to get you ready for the next expansion “The War Within”, which will probably start in late summer 2024.

You can see the trailer for The War Within here:

WoW: The War Within – All the big features of the new expansion

More videos

New difficulty for all dungeons

The biggest change probably concerns the dungeon system and the difficulties associated with it, as Blizzard has significantly revised it. The difficulty of pretty much all dungeons has been significantly increased, so that you already have a solid challenge in “Mythic 0”. This is intended to offer everyone who doesn’t feel like a time limit an appealing challenge that also brings strong rewards. The difficulties change as follows:

  • Normal Dungeons: Unchanged
  • Heroic Dungeons: As difficult as Mythic before
  • Mythic Dungeons: As difficult as before “Mythic +10”
  • Mythic +10 Dungeon: As difficult as Mythic+20
  • This also means that you “only” need to complete Mythic+10 to get the best possible rewards. Please note, however, that only the number has become smaller – the dungeons are as hard at “Mythic+5” as they were before at “Mythic+15”.

    What should you do today? The first few weeks of a season are particularly important if you like to go out with random groups. Many people quickly place demands on the item level or the “Mythic+” rating. If you oversleep here for a few weeks, you might not find any groups anymore. Therefore, you should dive into the content as early as possible so as not to miss the connection.

  • Complete raids: Visit the Vault of Incarnations raid, which is Fatefully buffed this week. A different raid is active every week and from week 7 onwards all raids are permanently active.
  • Visit dungeons: All 8 Dragonflight dungeons are part of the current rotation. Both Mythic and Keystone levels offer a solid challenge and strong rewards, but you should have a well-coordinated group for them.
  • Complete world quests: At the start of a new season, the item level of the rewards from world quests will also be increased. Check the map often to see if you don’t spot a solid piece of equipment during a world quest – twinks in particular could fill holes in their equipment here.
  • Farm flying stones: Depending on what type of content you play in WoW, you may quickly find that the flying stones aren’t enough to upgrade your gear. Therefore, you should also do some world quests to build up a small supply of flying stones and always have enough for upgrades. As a rule, the new emblems will be the limiting factor, but it is always good to have a few hundred flying stones “too many”.
  • Apart from that, the start of a new season also means that many players are jumping back into PvE and are therefore dependent on lots of potions, vials and gems. So if you are an alchemist, jewel cutter or other craftsman, you should now be able to easily earn a few gold pieces by selling your goods to the active heroes.

    What will you do first in WoW tonight? Are you jumping into the raid? Or do you directly push your Mythic rating?

    Patch 10.2.7 will continue in just a few days…
