Dragon Age finally reveals gameplay, but fans talk almost exclusively about a broken crossbow

Dragon Age: The Veilguard has shown what the gameplay of the role-playing game looks like. But a crossbow steals the show from the combat system.

What kind of revelation was that? Dragon Age: The Veilguard, the latest installment in the popular role-playing series, is set to be released in fall 2024 after 10 years. The last game in the main series, Dragon Age: Inquisition, was released in November 2014.

Now the gameplay of Dragon Age: The Veilguard has been revealed for the first time in a 20-minute video. The main focus was on the combat system, which ultimately doesn’t seem like a hero shooter – as some fans feared.

On Sunday, June 9th, we saw the reveal trailer for Dragon Age: The Veilguard as part of the Summer Game Fest 2024. For various reasons, this trailer was not well received by a large part of the community and MeinMMO author Linda was also put in a bad mood.

What does the video show?

  • We see the player character and the dialogue menu, which presents us with different possible answers in conversations
  • We see some of the possible companions, including the dwarves Varric Tethras, Lace Harding and Neve Gallus
  • Fight against demons – we fight with swords and bow and arrow
  • The combat movement – ​​we can dodge with artistic jumps or perform jump attacks
  • Our companions support us in battle, although the enemies seem to focus on the player character
  • Here you can see the gameplay reveal of Dragon Age: Veilguard:

    Dragon Age: The Veilguard shows 20 minutes of gameplay of the new fantasy adventure

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    “Okay, now it’s Dragon Age: Revenge for Bianca”

    What’s the deal with the crossbow? In the gameplay clip we see Varric, who acts alongside the player character and was also a companion in Dragon Age 2 and Inquisition. Varric has a crossbow called Bianca, which he is very attached to.

    In the new gameplay reveal, however, something unexpected happens: During a video sequence, the crossbow Bianca is destroyed by the elf Solas. Solas was also a possible companion in Dragon Age: Inquisition.

    In the comments on YouTube, the destruction of Bianca is a much-mentioned topic, which – one might say – steals the show from the actual gameplay:

  • “Mofo really betrayed me, stole my equipment, took my hand, and now he’s killed Bianca?”
  • “Brave of them to put the death of such an important character in a teaser. RIP Bianca”
  • “Okay, now it’s Dragon Age: Revenge for Bianca”
  • In general, the interaction between Solas and Varric is widely discussed. Some players believe that this scene could lead Varric to die – possibly at the hands of Solas (via Reddit).

    Are there any opinions on the gameplay? Of course! The gameplay shown has been well received by the community. Many fans think that the game now looks better than they feared from the reveal trailer.

    One point of discussion remains the combat system. Some like that it is so action-packed, others would have liked more tactics:

  • “Oh man, the combat system is definitely going to be controversial. But as someone whose least favorite part of Dragon Age has always been the combat system, I think it looks like a lot of damn fun.” – via Reddit
  • “Please tell me there’s more tactical gameplay with your companions. I know the series has gotten more and more button mashing with each title, but please tell me there’s still the ability to give orders to your team.” – via YouTube
  • “I was hoping to see a return to the CRPG combat systems of DA:O. This looks simplified, more like a ‘hack and slash’ game than an RPG. Hopefully the combat system is deeper than it appears at first glance.” – via Reddit
  • However, some players also say that they believe the combat system has never been a strength of Dragon Age and that it doesn’t bother them that it seemed action-packed and not very tactical in the gameplay reveal video.

    The reveal trailer for Dragon Age: The Veilguard was not received badly by everyone. MeinMMO editor Benedict actually liked the presentation. He was particularly pleased to see familiar faces like Varric again: Everyone thinks the new trailer for Dragon Age 4 is stupid – I’m absolutely thrilled
