dozens of residents of Madjoari killed by unidentified men

dozens of residents of Madjoari killed by unidentified men

The attack, perpetrated on Wednesday May 25, mainly targeted men. The governor of the region indicates that around fifty people were killed by unidentified armed men as they fled the commune of Madjoari, in the East.

With our correspondent in Ouagadougou, Yaya Boudani

The victims had decided to join Nadiagou, in the commune of Pama, in the face of threats from armed groups. But in their flight, they came across unidentified armed individuals in the forest at the level of the Singou bridge, explains a survivor. The elderly were released, the others were questioned. According to the survivor’s account, the armed men began to shoot those who did not answer the questions.

Several sources, including Colonel Hubert Yameogo, governor of the Eastern region, report about fifty dead. All men. ” All the men who leave Madjoari for Nadiagou are systematically arrested, but the women are not worried “says a resident. It is very difficult to know the total number of people intercepted, reports a local source. About 900 people still lived in Madjoari despite the upsurge in attacks.

This massacre follows several attacks against the population and the armed forces. On May 14, 17 civilians were killed by armed men. Five days later, the Madjoari military detachment was the target of an attack, killing 11 and injuring several.
