Dove unveils a campaign that denounces the dangers of social networks on young people

Dove unveils a campaign that denounces the dangers of social

  • News
  • Published on 05/03/2022 at 12:04 p.m.,

    Reading 1 min.

    The cosmetics brand Dove is campaigning against toxic injunctions and advice found on social networks that can harm young users.

    To have perfectly white and aligned teeth – thanks to the veneers, skin without any imperfections – thanks to the filters, or an XXL look worthy of the most famous cartoons – thanks to the touch-ups… Young girls and young men today have to deal with the diktats , injunctions, and other beauty standards that they discover on the news feeds of their various social networks, and there are many of them.

    Faced with this observation, the brand Dove, which has been working for nearly two decades in favor of a positive body image, has chosen to tackle the problem head on and launch an international project centered on self-esteem. Retouching, filters, beauty ‘advice’ provided by influencers… Everything goes through a host of hashtags expressed in several languages, such as #JamaisDeRetouche, #TacklingToxicBeautyAdvice, or even #DetoxYourFeed. The goal? Encourage young people to gain self-confidencewithout being constantly confronted with the beauty ‘norms’ that punctuate their daily lives on social networks, while 80% of 13-year-old girls say they modify their body appearance online, as revealed by a survey conducted in the United States among young girls using social networks, relayed by Dove.

    This large-scale project is also deployed through a video, Reverse Selfie, presented several months ago already, showing that filters and other photo editing “can damage self-esteem”, as states Dove. The personal care and cosmetics brand has also worked hand-in-hand with a host of experts in various fields, from psychology and body image to self-esteem, eating disorders and representation. in the media, to develop a confidence kit to help young people boost their self-esteem. Everything is also available to parents.
