Double check your tax return before sending it! a technical bug caused an error in the fields automatically pre-filled by the tax authorities and you must correct it.

Double check your tax return before sending it a technical

Double check your tax return before sending it! a technical bug caused an error in the fields automatically pre-filled by the tax authorities and you must correct it.

This year, a bug in pre-filled tax returns could cause a lot of trouble for users of rental platforms like Airbnb, Abritel or Owners and tenants who rent their accommodation via these sites must check their tax declaration to avoid any costly errors.

When accommodation is rented out, even occasionally, the income received must be declared. However, this year, a technical problem prevented the platforms from transmitting information on income generated in 2023 to the tax authorities. This bug could lead to incorrect declarations for millions of taxpayers.

Since 2020, online rental platforms automatically send information on owners’ income to the tax administration. These amounts normally appear in a dedicated section of the pre-filled return, making it easier for taxpayers. But this year, a new European framework disrupted this process. The platforms were unable to transmit the data on time, creating a reporting gap.

For concerned taxpayers, it is crucial not to blindly trust their pre-completed return. If you rent your accommodation on Airbnb, Abritel or, take the time to carefully check your declaration. The absence of pre-populated rental income does not mean that it should not be declared.

If you have already sent your declaration, it is strongly recommended that you review it. Incorrect reporting can result in tax audits and severe penalties. The tax authorities, although not yet having received the information from the platforms, will obtain it in the coming months. Trying to take advantage of this bug to hide income would be a bad idea.

To correct your declaration, start by contacting the rental platform you used. Ask them for a summary of the income received in 2023. This information will allow you to correctly complete your declaration by manually entering this income in box 2042-C-PRO of your declaration. Furthermore, keep the supporting documents for rentals (contracts, payments, etc.) for possible tax inspections. It is always better to take the time to correct a mistake than to risk a penalty.
