Watermelon is one of the most consumed fruits in summer. You need to pay attention to the amount you eat watermelon, which is consumed in large quantities. Experts state that watermelon should be consumed alone in order to benefit from its benefits. They state that no other fruit should be eaten next to watermelon. Berries seeds also have many benefits, but watermelon seeds contain very rich iodine. Therefore, thyroid patients should not consume watermelon seeds.
- Watermelon seeds help regulate blood pressure.
- It helps you cope with diseases such as high blood pressure.
- It reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
- It contains B vitamins, minerals such as calcium, potassium. Thus, it strengthens the immune system.
- It strengthens memory by supporting the healthy functioning of the nervous system.
- It contains unsaturated fats. In this way, it gives energy to the body.
- It helps to lower bad cholesterol.
- Oil or tea from watermelon seeds contributes to the strengthening of hair.
- It supports skin health and offers a healthier appearance.
- While the shells are used in animal nutrition, the seeds are used in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industry. In recent studies, the nutritional aspect of watermelon seeds has been investigated and its consumption in the field of food has been suggested.
- With the substance called “Cucurbocitrin” found in watermelon seeds, it helps to reduce blood pressure and regulate kidney functions.