Does diplomacy belong only to diplomats?

Does diplomacy belong only to diplomats

“Diplo in extinction”, “diplomats on strike”: here are some of the signs brandished this Thursday in front of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A rare movement in this traditionally discreet house, launched by six unions and a collective of 500 young diplomats. Because “there is a risk of disappearance of professional diplomacy”, believe these deniers. In question: a series of reforms, providing in particular for the regrouping of all senior civil servants in a stated concern to put an end to self-interest. What exactly do these measures entail? Is there a desire to unravel the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Are parallel paths possible to meet at the Quai d’Orsay?

To discuss it

Cyprian Francois, number 2 of the French embassy in Kosovo and president of the CFTC foreign affairs union at the head of the inter-union which called for a strike

Damien Regnard, Senator LR of the French living outside France

Jean Maurice Ripert, French Ambassador, former Ambassador to Russia, China
