Do you have this mobile phone? Then you should not use BankID

Do you have this mobile phone Then you should not

Today, it is almost impossible to get by without e-identification, and by far the largest of the players in Sweden is BankID with just over 8.5 million users.

News24 has previously written about the fact that some mobile users will soon not be able to use BankID. It concerns mobile phones from the Huawei brand, and all mobile phones from the brand that are newer than the Huawei P30 series, which was released in 2019.

Here you can read more about BankID stopping working for some mobile users.

Do you have a Samsung? Photo: PexelsThen you should avoid using Swish and BankID

If you use BankID, Swish and bank apps, it is important that your mobile is security updated and that you do so as often as possible.

Otherwise, the phone becomes less secure and the risk of being hacked becomes significantly greater. Therefore, you should avoid using payment and banking apps if your mobile is not up to date.

Harsh criticism of BankID: “Risk of being cheated”

Samsung stops updating completely

Do you have a Samsung from the Galaxy S20 series? Then you should consider buying a new one or stop using Swish and BankID on it.

Those mobiles today only get software updates once a quarter instead of every month. Next year they stop updating completely, writes The PC magazine.

Here are the mobiles that stop updating:

Samsung Galaxy 20

Samsung Galaxy S20+

Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra

Samsung Galaxy S20 FE

Samsung Galaxy Note 20

Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra

BankID’s big change – comes into effect on 1 May
