Do you have pictures or video footage of Matti Nykäne? Send them to us and participate in making the news document | Sport

Do you have pictures or video footage of Matti Nykane

A new documentary film is being made about Matti Nykäne. Now the public can participate in the making of the film.

A new documentary about the people’s beloved golden eagle is in the works Matti from Nykäne.

The documentary looks Matt straight in the eye; from eye level. Not upwards by placing it on a pedestal and not downwards by gloating or scorning. The film does not try to give a single correct answer to the question, what was Matti really like?

Instead, the documentary offers an unprecedentedly versatile overview of Mati’s life. Based on that, every viewer can form their own opinion about the best hill jumper in world history.

We now invite you to join us in making a film!

Do you have photos, home videos or, for example, movies featuring Matti Nykänen? We are looking for Matti Nykänen-themed material found in the caches of Finnish home photographers.

The material must be visual: a photo, video, film or self-made painting, drawing or cartoon! We are not looking for text or speech memories this time.

Take contact

If you have the above material, please contact us as soon as possible, but no later than March 8, 2024

  • by e-mail [email protected]
  • by phone, Whatsapp, text message or call to voicemail on 044 421 609
  • yl-01