Discover Karine Le Marchand’s slimming secret, which she repeats once a year!

Discover Karine Le Marchands slimming secret which she repeats once

Consuming only liquids for 7 days has only been beneficial for Karine Le Marchand, whether by acting on her figure, her skin or her mind. Discover water fasting that helps you lose weight, as well as feel good in your body and in your head.

Karine Le Marchand had announced to her fans to make a slimming stay, following a water fast. Following the many questions she received on the subject, the host wanted to make things clear on Instagram, in a video posted on July 15.

Karine Le Marchand has not eaten anything for 7 days

If she usually displays a fine silhouette and a harmonious body, Karine Le Marchand wanted to lose a few pounds thanks to a slimming retreat. The TV presenter made a young water, which she practices once a year, which consists of consuming only liquids. “Today I end my seventh day of fasting. […] There I’m going to have lunch in an hour the first solid thing I’ve eaten in a week. I only drank broths in the evening, water and herbal teas”, she explained in the video. Follower of the water fast that she practices once a year, Karine Le Marchand needed this “detoxification from within”. “I arrived in a state of total exhaustion and I leave with clear ideas, rested, with a supple stomach. No pain for a week because there is no digestion. It’s an extraordinary feeling,” she said. This extreme detox offers overall French well-being 54 years oldwho added: “I sleep very little, 4 to 5 hours, because the body does not have to digest food, so it is focused on repairing, I treat my tendinitis, my little daily injuries. […] It makes me crazy“.

How to do a water fast?

If this slimming diet seems to work wonders, Karine Le Marchand has specified the steps to follow to achieve it well. “There is a food descent for 1 week to properly prepare for your fast where you remove one food family per day. And on the last day, you only eat fruits and vegetables, cooked and raw. Then you fast for 7 days . It’s not hard. We want to eat but we are not hungry. […] And there, I will begin my food ascent. For a week, I reintroduce food every day”, she pointed out. The host managed to lose a few extra pounds: “I see life light, obviously with a few pounds lighter (2 for me and between 5 and 7 for the others), a toned silhouette and a steely mind”, she wrote in the caption on Instagram. The brunette also noted benefits on her beauty. “My complexion is luminous, my skin is soft, I no longer have dry skin”, she confided. Finally, Karine Le Marchand made it clear that water fasting is not for everyone and that you should not suffer from eating disorders before starting. “You have to be framed. You don’t have to become addicted. The danger of anorexia may lie in wait for some people”, ended the fiftieth anniversary radiantly.
