Dietitian Cemre Kamalı: Fasting is an opportunity to renew the whole body

Dietitian Cemre Kamalı said that scientific studies have proven that fasting is a healthy and restful worship when the sahur and iftar tables are set in a balanced and healthy way in Ramadan. Explaining that there is no harm in fasting and starving at certain intervals for people who do not have health problems, on the contrary, there are many benefits, Kamali continued his words as follows:
“Fasting is an important process that accelerates the metabolism, calms the functioning of the organs, finds the balance of the body, and most importantly, the liver is renewed the fastest. Positive changes in this special rhythm of the body by choosing healthy food, further benefit our body and support a healthy fasting period. Short eating period and long The body maintains its normal balance thanks to a physiological adaptation that balances the whole blood biochemistry of the liver and pancreas, which are in starvation metabolism.


In the continuation of her statement, Dietitian Cemre Kamalı said, “I can say that some weight gain accelerates in the first two weeks, the body becomes dehydrated and mild dehydration occurs, but at the end of the fast, there is generally weight loss in people who eat carefully. Because during the fasting process, the body first spends its glucose stores to provide the necessary energy, and then It also burns fats.In addition, since gastric emptying and blood flow are greater during daylight hours compared to evening hours, nutrients are absorbed faster from the gastrointestinal tract during daylight hours.Studies have shown that the body burns fat at a high rate in fasting but does not have a catabolic (protein-muscle breakdown) effect, which is harmful for the body. has been revealed”.


Dietitian Cemre Kamalı; He stated that while HDL cholesterol in the blood increases in those who fast during Ramadan, the bad cholesterol LDL and triglyceride levels decrease, so the vessels repair themselves and protect the heart. Kamalı said, “Thanks to fasting, the veins are cleaned and blood circulation increases. Considering all these, fasting makes our body and mind healthier and delays aging to a great extent, as it provides the renewal of cells. However, fast food should not be eaten in order not to increase the blood sugar, which falls as a result of long-term hunger, with the foods eaten at iftar. Since it can be different, it is essential for a diabetic patient to consult his doctor about fasting.

“Fasting lowers blood pressure”

Kamalı finally said, “It has been determined that eating 6-8 hours of the day and abstaining from food for the remaining 16-18 hours, in other words fasting, reduces blood pressure and prolongs life as well as preventing many diseases. Fasting is a method in the treatment of obesity, diabetes and heart diseases. It was also emphasized that it can be recommended.”

Source: UAV
